[Kirby]: Woo boy, this is another long one.
[Fufu]: Great. So, we should make this intro bit quick then, so this is done with quick like. If you would please catch us up.
[Kirby]: Roger! So… The stuff from “Black and White” happened, and then there was filler. Weiss was here.
[Fufu]: In the fic and with us, as a guest.
[Kirby]: It was neat.
[Fufu]: Indeed it was. But enough of the past! Onward with the future, and unfortunately this fic.
Chapter 9! Let's do this! As title suggests, the food fight scene, but really this chapter is a bunch of non-canon scenes that I thought of as I went along.
[Fufu]: So you are legit Writing by the Seat of Your Pants here.
Don't worry, we get back with canon next chapter. Only now, with my own scenes, do I go back and change the scene the next time I read it, and I do it every time!
[Kirby]: Fufu, can you figure out what he’s saying here?
[Fufu]: I think the author has regressed back to speaking his own language, because I can’t make head nor tails of this.
Episode 1 of season/volume 2 of RWBY is what you need to know by now. Although I'm sure you remember the food fight scene!
Disclaimer: I own no such things as music, video games, or movies, or tv shows and animes, nor do I claim too. The rightful owners of those things own those things.
Chapter 9: The food fight
Song is "Hero" by Pegboard Nerds
[Fufu]: Ah yes, this song makes a return. Personally, I quite like it, though I am loathe to admit that the author using it in this fic made me listen to it.
[Kirby]: Bands have such strange names these days.
[Fufu]: To be fair, you would be more likely to remember it then.
Start with black screen.
[Kirby]: WARNING! The following contains the stupidest thing I have ever seen in a fanfic!
[Fufu]: Likewise!
Hero, Hero.
Camera turns on as AJ suddenly opens his eyes and sees he is lying on his side in the middle of the forest.
[Fufu]: Not even that Kirby; he’s taken a pre-existing song and then turned that into his own opening credits. And not only is this stupid you guys, its cheap and lazy. Behold…
Hero, Hero.
AJ is training with Glynda.
Hero, Hero.
AJ and teams RWBY and JNPR are all running across the bridge to get away form ([Kirby]: “from”) the Deathstalker in initiation.
I wanna be a Hero, Hero.
All of them are standing for the picture at the end of the semester.
Oh the Hero comes
AJ is walking between Ruby and Yang as the sisters head towards the academy for the first time.
I can hear the drums
AJ lands in the forest at his part of the initiation.
And the horses drawn
Nora riding the Ursa.
To the kingdom come
Team RWBY and AJ walking under the 'Welcome to Vale!' sign.
Through the pain
AJ is knocked down by Yang in their fight in Glynda's class.
And the light
AJ and Blake starting in awe at the veil of Aura as the rain went through it.
Hearts ignite to the call
AJ looks back at Glynda while holding up a glyph as Torchwich fired at them.
Claim your prize
AJ grabbed the grey king piece in the forest temple.
[Fufu]: All of that? I guess the best way to describe it would be as scenes that we’ve previously seen. Scenes from the show that are then used for the opening. This is a practise that quite a few western tv shows follow. Not all of them, some do make a unique opening with images only seen in the opening credits, but some do make use of scenes from the show. RWBY doesn’t do that, since it follows the conventional anime tropes, including having a unique opening. So not only has the author went and made a set of opening credits for his fic, he couldn’t even be assed enough to make it all original content. And yes, I will nitpick over that. Because if you’re gonna do something stupid, then at least go the whole damn way.
For a crown
Someone places a crown on AJ's head while he looks down with his eyes closed excepting it.
[Kirby]: Da fuk is this? Actually, wait. Knowing this author, it’s probably something stupid. Also “accepting”.
Of stars
AJ looked up at the viewer with a cocky grin and his eyes, as well as the points on the crown, glowed bright white.
[Fufu]: I’ve said it at least twice before, so I apologise now as I repeat this a third time; his cockiness is not something I admire in your piece of shit character, author. And never does he actually learn that his cockiness isn’t a good thing nor does he improve from it.
In the name of love
AJ stood between the camera and Blake who was on the ground hurt, and pointed his sword as well as glared at the viewer.
[Fufu]: Because Blake can’t defend herself. She needs her mayun to do it for her.
Made the sacrifice
He took a hit from Torchwich that was meant for team RWBY.
[Kirby]: All of them. At the same time. Torchwick has apparently upgraded to a rocket launcher.
[Fufu]: I wish the attack had killed AJ then.
You and I
Shows team RWBY and AJ on their knees breathing heavily with a brick wall behind them.
[Fufu]: ...Why? Why a brick wall? And why are they panting? Were they running from something? Does this lead on directly from the fight with Torchwick? In which case, why? Rarely do any of the scenes from the opening of RWBY directly connect up with one another. They’re just nonsensical scenes showing all the characters, and them doing badass shit or standing strong together.
Will stand
They stood up and glared at the camera/viewer.
And fight
They all drew their weapons.
Our backs to the wall
The camera backs up showing the rest of team RWBY, team JNPR and Professors Oobleck, Port, Glynda, and Ozpin were all along the wall as well with their weapons drawn.
Shows Ruby for a moment.
Then Weiss.
Than Blake.
[Kirby]: Dumbass got the order wrong. “RWBY” is Ruby, Weiss, Blake, then Yang.
Then Pyrrha.
I wanna be a Hero,
Than Ren.
[Kirby]: ...How did you get this last “then” wrong?
[Fufu]: What sort of writing programme does he use? That’s what I want to know. Cause pretty much all of them out there have spell check, so it would alert him to this. They’re pretty smart programmes. Unless he’s using Notebook then doing minor formatting shit in FF.Net’s Document Manager.
Hero. Hero. Hero, Hero.
The moment before the bass drops where there isn't any sound. The screen is split in 9 pieces, The center piece had AJ's face. The four closest have team RWBY's faces, the ones on the outside have team JNPR's faces. All of them are smiling.
"I wanna be a hero." They all say and then the screen goes black, no bass drop.
[Kirby]: ...Fuck it, nitpicking. Weiss, Blake, and Yang don’t necessarily want to be heroes. Weiss wants to redeem her family name. Blake wants to undo the hate between humans and faunus. And Yang wants to live an exciting life and find her mom. Only Ruby (and Jaune) actually have stated that they want to be heroes.
Text in white appears saying:
"The Plus One of RWBY Volume II. A RWBY fan fiction."
(and now I'm gonna put that intro at the start of every chapter, skip it if you don't like it!)
[Fufu]: ...Dude, you could just...y’know, not feature it at all after this point.
AJ burst into the cafeteria seeing Sun and a blue haired guy just inside, but what caught his eye was the food… everywhere!
[Kirby]: I’m glad, at least, that we don’t have to sit through AJ’s version of what Cinder, Roman Torchwick--
[Fufu]: *Torchwich
[Kirby]: --Mercury, and Emerald… screw it, what Team CRME are up to.
No better way to describe it! There was food, EVERYWHERE! Then there was rubble from a support pillar that had broken and fallen, behind that was Ruby holding Weiss like she had died. AJ didn't jump to any conclusions and instead just started walking towards her.
[Fufu]: And already, I have to stop you. This is apparently leading on directly from the previous chapter. Therefore, I ask the same question here that I did at the end of the last one; why is the food fight happening now? At the end of the previous chapter, you said it was the last day of break. Which means the new school term has not actually started yet. Now, unless some students have started coming back a day or two early, teams RWBY and JNPR shouldn’t be here. And so, this food fight shouldn’t have happened. Not to mention that you completely skipped over it by not having AJ present. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
[Fufu]: On the one hand, since you just love transcribing shit to us that we’ve already seen, I suppose it would’ve been cool to see everyone fighting, and taking it all so seriously. On the other hand, you would probably just have AJ take over and win it on his own, and it would take the fun out of it.
"What!? Just… WHAT!?" AJ asked dumfounded.
Ruby looked at him sadly. "Food fight…"
"You broke a support pillar and sent Yang into orbit in a FOOD FIGHT!?" AJ asked thinking he was losing his mind, or they were, either or. He heard a crashing sound and saw Blake land near him.
[Fufu]: ???! Where was she?!
[Kirby]: I guess this is after Pyrrha slams her across the room, so AJ can steal Ruby’s final moment.
He spun around to the other side of the cafeteria yelling "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?" Like Torchwich does later in the season.
[Fufu]: *facepalm* Author, please watch your narration. I’m even asking nicely.
He saw two baguettes land in front of him and followed the food that was everywhere and the tables that were EVERYWHERE and saw team JNPR.
Ren had two leeks,
[Kirby]: No, he was knocked out already by Yang.
Nora had a flag pole with a watermelon at the end,
[Kirby]: You mean the watermelon that smashed into pieces when Nora sent Yang though the roof in revenge?
and Jaune and Pyrrha both had a baguette of their own.
[Kirby]: The same Jaune who was taken out by turkey fists at the beginning of the fight?
They were all standing shoulder to shoulder with a pile of tables and a few soda machines behind them.
[Kirby]: The soda machines that are broken and spilling pop cans everywhere?
[Fufu]: He’s been very sloppy here, especially considering at what point that fight is supposedly at as of AJ walking in.
"Take up your weapons new opponent!" Nora ordered. "Ren! Start the boss fight music!"
Ren looked at her like she was crazy. "We don't have any!"
Nora pouted. "Fine!" Before pointing her food hammer at AJ. "You will fight anyway! For I am queen of this castle!"
[Kirby]: The queen of this very broken castle~
[Fufu]: Indeed you are Nora~. I will cheer you on no matter how fucked up the setting and the timescale is!
AJ suddenly became very confident in his skills against them. He smiled a very excited smile. "Alright…" He said quietly. "LETS DO THIS!" He yelled as he let out a lot Aura for the coming 1v4.
[Fufu]: ...So wait. Even though we just missed the canon food fight scene because AJ wasn’t there, we’re gonna have one anyway. Just to show off and have AJ be featured in something. More specifically, so AJ can show off because, oooh, lookit, he’s going up against team JNPR on his own. Which implies that RWBY lost. Even though it was all for fun. Y’know, just because JNPR has Pyrrha, a seasoned (pun unintended) fighter on their team, doesn’t mean that RWBY is completely pathetic against them. So why have they lost?
He charged the team with his two bread swords
[Fufu]: Even though there was no mention of him picking up any bread swords. Yes, you did say that a pair of baguettes landed near him, but not that he then picked them up. So as far as I know - and care - these “swords” just materialised in his hands. Probably courtesy of his bullshit Semblance.
and Nora went up first with her melon hammer. It slammed the ground that he stood at but he had dashed left and hit her with one 'sword' knocking her away. Now they could see the Aura that flowed off him was flowing from his baguettes as well. Jaune and Pyrrha tag-teamed him but he blocked their attacks with what looked like little effort and his smile never left him. He took Jaune out with one quick hit and fought against the one person he knew he couldn't beat, Pyrrha. But he had two weapons so he should be fine.
Turns out without her semblance she isn't that scary.
[Kirby]: Bullshit!
[Fufu]: Author must’ve missed the part of the episode where Pyrrha turned a bunch of soda cans into fizzy grenades. Even with Aura to protect someone, having a soda can suddenly hurl into your stomach would still hurt like a bitch. And it's not like they’d be stuck on a straight course; with Pyrrha’s Semblance, she could redirect them anywhere she wants. They’d essentially be like homing missiles. Yes, you could argue that taking out Pyrrha first means you’re down a serious threat, but she’s not a chump. She’s a well-trained warrior for a reason. Even if she were disarmed, she’d at least be able to dodge and make use of her environment to fight back. After all, even if they don’t have anymore soda in them, those cans are still lying around, good for use.
He got a few hits on her and knocked her back and Ren jumped in after him landing a few hits with a surprise attack before AJ finally started swinging back with his two glowing bread swords. They both held two weapons so it seemed like a fair match, until AJ tried something different, a strike for his side was blocked, by his tail!
[Kirby]: You’re a cat, not a monkey.
With that moment of shock left an opening he couldn't pass up and he knocked him away with a power strike only to see Nora catch him and the whole team attack at once. He parried a few strikes from the two sword wielders until Ren jumped out from between and got a few hits on him, the duo used this chance to get a few more hits on him but AJ partially recovered and blocked half the strikes, he went into a stalemate as the three all tried to hit him at once and he blocked, but this was a three on one push that he could still win with his Aura flowing out, only when he pushed them all back and went for another swing Nora went around and hit him with as much force as she could muster in a swing that send him into the wall much like she had done to Weiss only harder.
[Fufu]: *stares in shock* That’s all one sentence. I swear to god, those are all commas. *sighs and puts head in hands* Okay. You can make your sentences longer with commas, I will confess that this is a thing that is possible. However, there is a limit to how long you can make the sentence, plus you have to make sure it works. I made a comment a few chapters back that was pretty long. But it still worked because I didn’t drag it out, nor did I use commas in places where they didn’t fit. It seemed like a genuine sentence. It was probably also helped by the fact that it was also partially casual speech, which is another way to get away with using long sentences only broken up with commas. Because people can freaking talk, and only really take the briefest of pauses in the middle of a sentence.
AJ fell down onto his hands and knees and coughed up a bit of blood. Team JNPR both felt bad, and wondered how he wasn't out yet. He stood up and heard a sound he hadn't heard in a while… a click of something unlocking. He felt the need to let out as much Aura as possible and did so with a mighty shout.
[Kirby]: Because, food fight. Serious fucking business.
[Fufu]: Is he seriously letting out an Aurasplosion over a damn food fight???
[Kirby]: Then again, Nora did send Yang through the roof…
[Fufu]: But that was comedic, plus Yang is technically one of the tougher fighters out of both groups, so it makes sense to take her out early. Here, given his track record, it just screams of AJ going too far again.
He charged them again while Aura was exploding out of him as she reached a new limit in maximum Aura, his Aura actually took the form of see through angel wings for a moment but just before he reached them they saw a figure made of Aura appear to AJ's right and it took form, the wings disappear from AJ but appear on his double that was MADE OF AURA.
[Fufu]: So you had already mentioned. Unless this sort of thing is a stylistic thing, you do not need to repeat things we’ve already been told.
[Kirby]: So now he’s stolen Ruby’s roses, Weiss’ glyphs, and Sun’s clones.
[Fufu]: Maybe the White Fang could hire him. He certainly fits the “thieves” category that Weiss was talking about.
[Kirby]: Nah, they only accept real faunus. Even they have standards.
The double didn't have the ears or tail though which was odd, it had the wings but not the Faunus parts…
[Kirby]: Author: “Ask me what it means! Ask me what it means!”
Suddenly what was supposed to be 1v4 became 2v4, the double had one of the baguettes while AJ had the other. Nora and Ren fought the double. It clearly was able to hit them, it wasn't an illusion, but what would happen when they finally hit it? It dodged or blocked attacks as well as AJ was right now with Pyrrha and Jaune, but just when AJ was about to knock down the baguette duo Nora finally got a hit on the double and it disappeared.
It went back to a 1v4 and AJ was backing up avoiding the swings from Nora and blocking everything else but it was not to last as Nora eventually got a hit on him while he blocked a strike from Ren. Once again AJ was sent across but this time he didn't get up but watched as Ruby got up
[Fufu]: Ah, so she was just sitting out and taking a break to recover. Now she’ll show AJ what a true member of RWBY can do!
before charging them as a red missile that went so fast the wind she created picked up all the food in the cafeteria and pinned team JNPR against the wall leaving them at the mercy of the food as they were barraged by it all and left the wall as a picture of modern art or something like that. "And team RWBY along with their plus one, de-throned the queen of the castle." AJ said out loud before finding the strength to get up.
[Fufu]: ...Or that was just so we could jump back into canon, despite the fact that, as much as I’d rather not admit this, AJ could’ve done this himself since he’s supposedly as fast as Ruby.
[Kirby]: It’s amazing how pointless AJ is, he does stuff and canon happens anyway.
[Fufu]: Exactly. He is literally just standing here chiming in occasionally as though that validates his existence here. He could actually be doing stuff to prove his worth. Yes, in most occasions, we’d probably be pissed since it means he’d be overtaking a canon character to do something, but it’d be better than him doing shit then taking a backseat as canon steps back in like, “Bitch, I think you’ll find this is my show here.”
Both teams gathered near the door as Glynda walked in and used her semblance to place the tables back in their places before glaring viciously at them.
"Children please…" She said through her teeth. "Do not play with your food."
Everyone looked at her and AJ was about to laugh at Glynda's choice of words but the silence was instead broken by a burp from Nora, then Yang falling back to Remnant, finally, and breaking a table.
"AH!" Team RWBY shouted, all of them, Yang because she was falling and everyone else in RWBY including AJ because Yang almost landed on them.
"Welcome back." AJ said looking down at Yang with a smile.
Yang stood up and saw AJ and Blake leaning on each other for support and everyone burst into joyous laughter at her entrance and because they just went through the most crazy and awesome fight they have ever been in, and it was damn fun!
[Fufu]: Even though we only saw AJ’s solo fight against JNPR, so as far as we know, team RWBY was just sitting there like potatoes the entire time. Also, with Yang rejoining the group, I’m now aware that she would’ve been in the air a lot longer than she originally was since we had AJ’s scene jump in and squeeze itself into canon. Which shouldn’t really be possible, since she’d still be falling for the same amount of time after Nora hit her.
"What was that crazy thing you did where there were two of you!?" Nora asked.
"I have no idea. I have never done that before. Frankly it tired me out a lot so I don't think I want to do it again." AJ said.
"But it was so cool!" Ruby said.
[Kirby]: What an awkward way to end a scene… Wait! What about Ozpin and Glynda’s scene? I wanted to make a Let it Go joke!
Apparently Ruby had a lot of crazy and 'fun' things planned for their last day before school but they spent the rest of the day cleaning themselves up and talking about the food fight, it was actually the talk of the school and the fight was replayed on everyone's Scrolls since someone had recorded it.
[Fufu]: Who?! No one else was there! Aside from Sun and Neptune, but then again, would they think to do that??
[Kirby]: It was probably Ozpin. He has cameras everywhere.
A lot of students came to RWBY and JNPR's table to say how awesome the fight was.
"Bet you didn't have an awesome food fight on your list, huh Ruby?" AJ said with a smile.
"No but I'm glad we did it! It was awesome and we even won!" Ruby cheered.
"Only cause you had an extra." Jaune argued.
"Ya, I would still be queen of the castle if it hadn't been for you and your meddling Plus One!" Nora said pouting.
"Ruby was the one that dealt the final blow, not me." AJ pointed out.
[Fufu]: AJ: “Because Canon-tan probably would’ve ripped me a new one if I’d done it instead even though I was entirely capable of doing it.”
[Kirby]: And here’s another awkward scene transition.
AJ jumped into his bed and Neko was launched into the air by it before landing in AJ's arms.
[Fufu]: Oh, now Neko returns, after not being around for how long?
"Now that's how you end the break!"