Early morning musings....

Mar 17, 2006 08:11


I stayed up until 6:30 am talking to Robbie about life in general and then Peter didn't go to bed until 7:30 am, so I figured I might as well just run my course and I'll sleep when I sleep. That's logical, right? *Mild sarcasm*

In any case, I get to a point over the course of the night when I've stayed up far too late where I'd rather just cut my losses and start the next day without pausing to relieve my sleep depravation. I mean, come on -- the sun is already up! How am I supposed to end a day when it's after sunrise? Now THAT'S not logical! (Justifications, anyone?)

Okay, so perhaps blowing off my blissfully hours of nightly rest is not the most healthy thing in the world, but I slept about 13 hours the night before and I'm getting tired of only be conscious for half the day. On the other hand, it's not like I have a whole lot of stuff that needs to be done or experienced during my waking hours -- which means I can either sleep half the day or stay up for 36 hours straight without neglecting any obligations!

What a life.

See? I can be very optimistic sometimes. And there's nothing like a good, long conversation with an old friend in the middle of the night to put me in a good mood.

Hmm...things I have to do today....

Oh, and HAPPY SAINT PATRICK'S DAY! (i.e. To Do item #1: DRINK)

#2: Mail those packages out to my wonderful, patient (hopefully) Ebay bidders who'll be getting their stuff a week late because of my little food poisoning incident.

#3: Find my auto excise tax bill so I can pay it so the city of Haverhill doesn't revoke my car registration so I can still legally drive my beautiful bright red car.

#4: Umm....errr.....other stuff

EXCITING, huh? I'm a bit burned out at the moment. More of my babbling later...perhaps a nap is in order.
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