I've been thinking about how Doctor Who might approach the pandemia.

Jan 24, 2021 17:36

Had it lasted only a few months, the show could have ignored the pandemia. By now it feels too big for that, like a sign of disrespect if the show made no mention of it. I took 12x11 being set in early 2020 as a confirmation that it will make an appearance, because otherwise the episode could have been set later in the year.

But how would the Doctor not know of such a big thing? I assume this wasn't in the timeline before, like the Doctor disposing of PM Harriet Jones, which then averted Britain's Golden Age for which he'd know the PM. (...Wait, is Brexit a thing in DW? If so, does that mean it's partially the Doctor's fault? O_O)

I assume we won't spend much time on Earth in the Covid era, as it could make storytelling difficult. Or will the characters even be able to get there? That era might be timelocked for safety reasons.

The whole virus thing obviously raises the question how people from different places & times can travel all over time & space without ever catching something contemporary/local or introducing a sickness for which the locals aren't prepared. Does the TARDIS not only dispense language skills, but also immunity/disinfection?

language|english, topics| |rl stuff & people, topics|tv & such|doctor who (& co.)

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