Due to Supernatural being excellent, ...

Oct 30, 2019 21:21

... Doctor Who's lackluster season 11 and leaving us waiting for season 12, after over a decade Supernatural is back to being my main fandom. Shame that only happened now that the show is ending.

While 14x18 wasn't an amusing episode, there were 2 things that amused me, as a Harry Potter fan, a lot: Rowena the witch was wearing a green & purple outfit - colors that in Harry Potter are favored by witches and wizards. Sam was in blue and orange - the latter is pretty much the non-metallic version of bronze. Blue and bronze are the colors of Ravenclaw, the house with which Sam's character fits. Helpfully, while wearing these colors, Sam was seen reading a book - so that'll be perfect for iconning, hee.

language|english, topics|tv & such|supernatural, topics|tv & such|harry potter (& co.)

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