Obsessing about Sailor Moon again :oD

Jan 05, 2019 06:05

Since Easter 2016 my sister was giving me the Sailor Moon manga volumes in installments on gift-giving days, and since last Christmas my collection is finally complete. I can't remember why I decided that I need them, but I expect it started with Sailor Moon Crystal. I know I discussed the new anime with a fellow Muse fan over on Facebook. We must have discussed information from the manga that was withheld from watchers of the original anime and things that were changed in dubbed versions. So I wanted to know all these things, and while reading wikia articles is fun, why not go straight to the source material? Especially since there had been a new translation into German that people said was very good.

I had started reading the first volume the day I got it, but soon stopped, because the manga proved addictive and its chapters ended in cliffhangers. You know, I didn't want to read all the way to the last volume I currently owned only to find myself at a cliffhanger. So I waited until I had all volumes.

It's a bit heavy on the romance sometimes and I find that somewhat annoying. But it's very nice to finally see Usagi/Mamoru not as one-sided as the anime made it feel. Speaking of Mamoru: Whoa, he has some powers?! Holy shit, there's a wealth of information that was omitted from the anime (and I'm only 5 of 12 volumes into the manga)! All the things I had wondered about/wanted to see more of are there in the manga! And I realized that I had forgotten some things about the anime (What, but my last rewatch was only 9 year ago?!). I couldn't remember the hair/outfit colors (the manga is in black/white) of some villains or put a name to some of them. That and because I want to check on some plot bits, makes me want to rewatch the anime. From what I can remember of the show, it looks like its makers thought it was better to give it a monster-of-the-week format and save the meaty parts for the story finales (Maybe they thought kids don't have an attention span longer than 2 episodes?), as a result those parts of the story were massively truncated, while they had to come up with more evil redshirts and stories for them. What a shame.

The problem with a rewatch though is that I have only the first 3 DVD sets (of 10), so I need to seriously pace myself. The sets are expensive, you know, and there are only 2 or 3 gift-giving days a year. Or I'd have to find the rest of the episodes on YouTube again. I suspect that by now they've been removed.

language|english, topics|tv & such|sailor moon

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