I was just about to wonder what's with the low camera angle, when I remembered the title of the episode. Ugh, why do you have to make an episode with fucking spiders?!
Oh, hello, actor whose face I know from US shows! Didn't expect you here.
Ugh, even the vortex is now shinier.
Whoa, if forks off! I don't think I like this either.
Ah, there is the hairstyle on Yaz that I've waited for. I wish I could do these half buns, but my hair never wants to.
How handy that all our companions live in the same building!
That was a painful non-goodbye.
Someone's looking for Anna. Aw, please don't start the adventure before we get to visit Yaz's apartment!
Ah, okay, they don't all live in the same building, just nearby.
WTF, even such a shiny new building has outside hallways?!
Yay, the family is home and we get to meet them! I'm liking dad. He's all enthusiastic about food, but Yaz frowns, ha. Also liking his accent - one I'm familiar with thanks to Life on Mars.
Oh, that was Yaz's mom who got fired!
It's so nice to see characters actually grieving. Usually when someone dies as adventure starter, they seem so quickly forgotten!
Wait, these apartments have a downstairs?!
Couldn't they have checked first if Anna's dead? I mean, just in case.
Sounds like Jade knows something about spiders. I wonder what they do at uni. Experiment on spiders?
Aw yeah, spider-deterrent infos! How helpful. And nice that apparently the science is back in this science fiction show.
Jesus Christ, I didn't need that visual of an abseiling, huge spider!
But at least the Doctor doesn't mean the spider any harm.
For someone who's not cool with spiders, Ryan kept pretty cool.
Love the authoritative way Yaz says "put the gun down". Our little police officer (dammit, I hope her job will become more relevent).
I was so confused by the Doctor name-dropping Amelia Earhart. I had only just seen the latter and tried to remember on which show it was. None of my shows fit, though, except for Doctor Who. But what the Doctor said about their adventure didn't fit. So after some brain-wracking, I finally remember that where I'd seen Amelia Earhart was on an episode of Voyager.
Shame, because a spider smashed through the tub, we'll never learn what exactly these scheduled bathroom breaks are for.
He's "that bloke"? What, like a Trump?
Now they're even coming down escalators!
Oh, he's running for president - that's confirmed then.
Phew, just because he's a Trump, doesn't mean they've gotten rid of the original Trump. I mean, not that I wish a Trump presidency on anyone, it's just that the Trumpident was mentoned in S10, so a retcon would have annoyed me.
"Natural death", I don't like how Jade put that. Don't you mean let them "live out their lives"? And does this plan really make sense? Is the panic room big enough for all those spiders? And when they have prolonged lives, won't they run out of food? Wouldn't that be an inhumane, unnatural death? And even if the food lasts longer than those spiders live, wouldn't they have bred by then?
Aw, come on, they didn't have to kill that one spider!
I hope Yaz doesn't forget to bring the bread, when she gets home.
Well, that was actually a nice episode.