Oct 09, 2013 17:36
It was nothing like it will actually be, but it was great. And anyway, when I dream, I mostly don't see if things don't make sense. The dream made me happy - until I woke up. Luckily by now I don't remember much about it anymore.
The most uncanon thing about this dream was probably that the episode contained lots of Jim, alive and not as a flashback. "Tiger" was said (I got such a kick out of seeing this made canon), Moran was most likely seen, but not revealed as such. At first I thought a blonde woman (not the chewing-gum one we saw in 2x03) was Moran, but then she turned out to be a victim and Mycroft's ex-wife. And we saw their 2 ginger children (both about 18). They were cute, probably because of my ginger bias.
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