Sep 04, 2013 01:05
Ah, what a good show! Well plotted. And I had completely forgotten who was Lily's killer. Was fun to find out all over again. Speaking of completely forgotten things: Alyson Hannigan was on Veronica Mars. And now that I started season 2 I discovered that Charisma Carpenter had a recurring role too, heh.
I love the relationship between Veronica and her dad so much. Aw, isn't Keith the most adorable dad ever? And to make it worse he has very kind eyes that remind me very much of Andrew Scott's. Ugh, I don't need people to adore!
I swear I had more things to say about this show, but my memory is being its failtastic self. I'm pretty sure there was another actor I wanted to mention. Oh well, I'll just mention Alona Tal then. Because everything leads back to Supernatural, heh. It was nice to see more of her.
topics|tv & such|veronica mars,