Me and my habit to collect stuff FTW!

Nov 20, 2009 17:46

Sooo, I got tickets for Muse at Wembley (\o/!!!!), which will be next year on 11th September. Well actually, my sister got them. I got the tickets for the 10th. I don't know why, but I would have liked the 12th better than the 10th. Maybe because I discovered the 12th? Well, we'll see if the 12th happens and if I'll get tickets (Yes, I totally would go to 3 concerts in a row ...hey, I mean, when I'm already there...).

Anyway, I know that this isn't my first concert on a 11th September. I wasn't sure if it was my first or second concert that was on that date, because the first and second were to days in a row, I just didn't remember if it was 10th & 11th or 11th & 12th. I wasn't even sure if it was 2003 or 2004. I didn't keep a diary at the time and I can't find my photos (WTF, where are they?). So I thought about where I could find out the dates. Sadly the website with the old tour dates couldn't help me - it was on Geocities :o(. But then I remembered that I must have written about the concerts to my pen pal. That's how we had become friends - fans of the same band. I write my letters in Word and I keep the docs. HA!
Holy shit, what a detailed report of my journey! I love myself for that. Anyway, the dates were 11th and 12th, 2003. And another reason why Wembley on the 12th would have been cooler.

And if you want to know: the band was Matchbox 20, and I discovered Maroon 5 there because they were the support. What is it with me and bands starting with M? ^^

topics|bands|muse, topics|bands|matchbox 20, language|english, topics| |rl stuff & people, topics|bands|maroon 5

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