Marry You [Puck/Sam]

Feb 21, 2011 20:55

Title: Marry You
Autor: fuelledbydecay
Pairing: Puck/Sam
POV: 3rd person
Rating: PG
Warning: Slash, swearing
Spoilers: 2x08
Summary: Puck wants to marry Sam
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the charcters. Show belongs to Ryan Murphy. This is just written for my own entertainment

There's no gradual realisation but there isn't a great big epiphany either. They're sitting in Sam's room on a Friday after school, amongst the clutter of dirty clothes, football gear and Avatar posters, and Puck glances up from one of the comics he found stashed under Sam's bed like a dirty porn magazine to catch Sam strumming absently on his guitar, humming lyrics softly to himself, his eyes closed. And it suddenly hits Puck straight in the chest.

"Marry me," he blurts out, and the room must get ten degrees hotter because his cheeks start to burn like they are on fire.

The guitar makes a painful clang as Sam's fingers slip completely off the frets they were on and his right hand falls heavily into his lap. His eyes are wide and his mouth gapes open like the entrance to a cave, and yeah, that's attractive. Puck feels a little uncomfortable under Sam's silent unbroken stare. If this was anyone else they would have already said yes, declared their undying love, and demanded celebratory engagement sex immediately. Sam is a little...unresponsive.

He continues to look at Puck like he might have momentarily lost his sanity, and the room seems to be getting hotter the longer they sit there staring at each other and either the heating is on in the middle of summer or Puck has contracted some sort of deadly man-eating virus because the flush has spread down his neck, and his palms are shaking and slick with sweat.

"Dude," Sam finally breathes out in a long exhale. Blonde hair flops into his face as he breathes in another deep breath. "No".

And suddenly peace has been restored. Puck feels the temperature drop back to normal and his super strong antibodies (whatever, he does listen in Biology sometimes) must have kicked that virus' ass because he feels fine again. Except, when Sam has recovered enought to continue plucking at random strings, he smirks and thinks challenge accepted.

So they've only really been doing this for a couple of months, and no one actually knows because between Glee Club, and gravity-defying slushies, and football there isn't really a right moment to go public. That doesn't mean that Puck can't try and persuade Sam that marriage? Is a really good idea.

He corners Sam in the locker room after practise one day, still wet and dripping from the shower. Finn still hasn't finished getting changed and Artie is hanging back to wait for him, but Puck takes no notice of them, refuses to let them stop him. Instead he leans casually against the fire truck red locker next to Sam's and smirks suggestively. "So that thing I asked you, last week? I think its a really good idea."

Sam looks at him sideways as he opens his locker, his right hand still firmly holding his towel up like he's afraid Puck will rip it off at any moment's notice and sexually harrass him; he totally would if Finn and Artie weren't still there. Sam looks torn between running out of the locker room in just his towel and actually getting changed. His fist clenches around the shirt in his hand like he is seriously considering throwing it on the tiled floor and running for his life.

"This is one of those territory things, isn't it?" Sam says knowingly as he pulls the plain t-shirt over his still damp skin, causing wet patches to seep across the front of the fabric. Puck can totally see Sam's pecks through the flimsy layer of clothing, erect from the cold and so very, very tempting.

The sight momentarily distracts him from what Sam is actually saying to him. "What?"

The disbelieving snort Sam gives him in response only confuses him further. They don't seem to be on the same page here at all. He watches quietly as Sam neatly packs all his things into his bag and slings it over his broad shoulder.

"Look," Sam says seriously, "I get it but, seriously? I think I'd rather you just pissed on me."

With that he waves a quick goodbye to Finn and Artie and leaves Puck still leaning against the locker, looking more than a little shocked. Sam would rather be pissed on by Puck than get married to him? That...doesn't sound very promising.

Sam stops by his locker in between classes to dump some of the heavy textbooks he's been lugging around in his bag since Math into it. He almost looks forward to not walking around lopsided because of the weight pressing down on his shoulder. Except, after putting in his combination, the world seems to literally explode with red and pink hearts and confetti and what the fuck?

He stares dumbstruck at the heart-shaped helium balloon in front of him declaring 'Marry Me!' in big pink curly writing for three seconds, and the contemplates whether the Earth will swallow him whole if he wishes hard enough. A pair of Cheerios start snickering at the love fest bursting ouf of his locker and a couple of other students in the corridor that Sam doesn't even know start giving his strange looks, like he put all this ridiculous crap in his locker himself.

There's no room left in his locker to put any of his textbooks like he'd hoped, because a thousand red teddy bears are squashed inside, all wearing little white jumpers with marriage proposals on them. Sam glares at their black beady eyes, then huffs, and forces his locker shut again. He storms away having no idea whether he wants to kill Puck or kiss him right now.

Puck skips out on his afternoon Geometry class because he figures his brain just doesn't need that shit today, and instead drops by his locker to drop off all the homework that he'll never actually do, on his way to his car. He can find some geek he regularly terrorises to do it all for him tomorrow, or maybe persuade Sam to do it for him. He hasn't decided yet.

When he opens his locker he finds a deflated balloon and what can only be described as a teddy masacre waiting for him. He rummages through the little, furry, toy limbs until he finds enough space to shove his work in, taking one last look at the teddy bloodshed, he shrugs and shuts his locker. That's last time he buys a proposal package from Ebay.


It's a Saturday night when Sam decides to watch Avatar for the gazzilionth time. He would usually be out on the weekend, either with Puck, someone from the Glee Club, or someone from the football team. Only puck is acting really strange lately and he doesn't think he can go anywhere without Puck magically appearing from some dark corner to molest him, or maybe to kidnap him and force him to elope. So he decides that shutting himself up in his bedroom until Monday is probably the safest option. Puck hasn't mastered the art of climbing up his drain pipe yet.

He doesn't know how marriage suddenly became the only topic between them. They'd been fine, messing around, sneaking around. Puck was the one who had said he didn't want anything serious. It isn't adding up and it's getting a little too stalker-ish for Sam.

He finds his copy of Avatar under an empty glass on his desk, and smiles. Switching on the TV, he opens up the DVD case and find that sitting on top of the DVD is a small note written in Puck's messy and barely comprehensible writing. Two words and a question mark.

It takes two seconds to crumple the note up into a tiny ball and throw it in the trash. Suddenly Sam doesn't really want to watch Avatar anymore.


It's closing in on 3.a.m when Sam finally finds Puck wandering the streets after leaving a party, smelling of beer and cigarette smoke. Puck's too far gone to care when Sam grabs him by the waist and ushers him into the passenger seat of his car, praying that Puck won't throw up all over the interior because his mom will seriously kill him if he does. He thinks there might be a paper bag in the back seat if the situation unfortunately arises.

Puck's head lolls back against the leather of the head rest, his mouth gaping wide open as Sam starts the engine and pulls away from the curb. He breaths heavily, his chest rising sharply with every inhale, and the alcohol on his breath mingles with the air inside the car. The streetlights illuminate the sheen of sweat covering Puck's forehead and cheeks as Sam drives. He looks pale and sickly in the flickering lights. Sam opens the windows so that cool night air floods through the car, taking away the stench of cheap liqour and hopefully easing any bouts of nausea Puck may or may not be having. He presses the gas pedal down a little further.

He takes Puck to his house because he knows that no matter how badass Puck may be in school that he looses that bravado as soon as he walks through his front door. Sam can only imagine the hell Puck's mom would give him if he went home in this state. Sam shudders to think.

He manages to carry Puck's limp body in through the front door and up the stairs without waking his parents. When he reaches his room, he drops Puck's dead weight onto his bed, relieved that he can stretch out his muscles and relax now that Puck is safe and unable to caues any drunken chaos. Secretly, Sam's also glad that he changed his rocket themed bed covers before Puck saw them because that would have been embarrassing, plus Puck would tease him mercilessly about how uncool he is for about a month.

He dutifully unties Puck's shoe laces, and takes his sneakers off along with Puck's holey and mis-matched socks, depositing them on the floor at the foot of his bed with a slight frown. Sam starts undoing the buttons on Puck's jeans when he rouses, squinting comically up at Sam. "Why won't you marry me?"

It takes Sam almost all of his self control not to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation. The innocent expression on Puck's face, all wide eyes and hopefulness, nearly convinces him that this is something that Puck actually wants, that this isn't another one of those phases he will quickly grow out of. Except Sam knows how Puck works. He knows that while Puck might genuinely want this now (for whatever bizarre reason that is stuck in his head), as soon as Sam accepts his proposal, Puck will get bored and drop him. He even tells Puck this as he strips him down to his boxers, and even intoxicated Puck has the ability to look horrifically offended by such an accusation.

His right hand flails around, blindly reaching for Sam's. Begrudgingly, Sam offers it to him, and Puck yanks him onto the bed with all his strength, and all the air in Sam's lungs gets pushed out of his chest as he lands on top of Puck.

"You're an idiot, Sam," Puck happily informs him, his thumb moving soothingly over the back of Sam's hand. He doesn't ellaborate on why exactly Sam is an idiot because he starts to snore, and when Sam looks up from his place on Puck's chest, he sees that his eyes are shut tightly, dark lashes fanned across his cheeks. Sam snuggles down against Puck's chest again and falls asleep to the sound of Puck's pounding heartbeat.


Sam thinks that Puck is going to drop him as soon as he accepts Puck's proposal. He said so, and okay Puck was really drunk at the time and parts of the night are still hazy but he remembers the expression on Sam's face, the sad resignation. He didn't imagine that, couldn't have. The thought that Sam was only declining his offer because he assumed Puck would get bored of him, honestly never occured to him.

So, it may have started out as more of a challenge then a genuine desire to actually get married, but the more time and effort e puts into every proposal, the more he realises that he does actually want to commit to Sam and do all the stupid, sappy stuff the married people do. And okay, there was that one time last week when he thought about having kids with Sam and then had a five-minute freakout session about how he was so unprepared for fatherhood, and then had to take the afternoon off school to calm down but they can leave the babbies and nappies stuff until they're at least thirty-five, maybe forty. He doesn't even mind if they don't get married for another few years. He just wants the assurance that its on the cards somewhere in the future.

Except, he isn't entirely sure how to get that through to Sam because that guy is seriously slow when it comes to this sort of thing. It took Puck almost three months of blatant flirting until Sam finally caught on that Puck was interested, and that was mainly down to how Puck had gotten so fed up and sexually frustrated he had attacked Sam in the locker room.

He tries to think of a good way to propose so that the message sinks in this time for almost a week and a half. Sam stops avoiding him like the plague and things start becoming normal again. They hang out after school everyday, playing Xbox and reading comics, and when Sam goes home, Puck pulls out his little brainstorms and tries to come up with the perfect way to propose. Only the brainstorm is basically a blank sheet of paper with the words 'PROPOSAL PLANS!' scrawled in the middle, and Puck thinks he is seriously screwed.

Until he walks into a Glee Club meeting late, while Mr. Schue is giving another one of his inspirational speeches about the power of music, and expressing emotions, and equality blah blah blah, and Puck decides he has the perfect idea. And then proceeds to hijack Mr.Schue's lesson completely.

"Um, Mr. Schue," he interrupts, grabbing a guitar from the corner. He brings the strap over his head and waits for Mr. Schue and the rest of the Glee Club to turn and look at him, eyebrows raised in question. "I have a song I'd like to sing."

Mr. Schue looks slightly surprised because, well Puck's never been exactly invested in Glee Club as some of the other members have (like Rachel who dedicates her every waking -and most likely sleeping- hour to rehearsing and performing for New Directions), and he doesn't exactly volunteer to play songs solo most of the time unless physically forced. The teacher quickly recovers and gestures for Puck to step forward and continue.

So Puck does, and as soon as the first chords are out he sees Sam's shoulders tense, his whole body stiffening. He looks up at Puck with wide eyes, a warning shining out from them, as the rest of the Glee Club start to whisper in confusion because didn't they already sing this at Burt and Carol's wedding? Only Santana seems to actually be enjoying it, her mouth quirked up into a smug smile like he's actually dedicating the song to her, and shit, Puck seriously has to remember to tell her that that isn't going to be happening again.

When he hits the second chorus, he beckons with his head for Sam to come forward, and watches as a satisfying flush creeps up the blonde's neck and he starts to shake his head vigorously, looking terrified as the rest of the Glee Club's whispers start to lull as they notice Puck trying to get Sam's attention. Rachel, Kurt and Mercedes all seem to comprehend what's going on in the same moment, and all sit shocked in their seats, mouths all opened into small identical 'o's.

After trying to subtly coax Sam up the front with him, Puck rolls his eyes dramatically because he is seriously ruining Puck's plan. So he walks up to the chair Sam is currently sitting on, momentarily forgetting the chords he's supposed to be playing, and yanks the blonde up onto his feet and over to stand by the piano. Sam scowls like he is on the verge of throttling Puck but stays where he is, scuffing his shoes together awkwardly.

He doesn't look up when Puck finishes the song, or when Puck approaches him, guitar now slung over his shoulder. It makes Puck a little nervous how still he's gone. He hooks the calloused index finger of his right hand under Sam's chin and forces his eyes up, and finds that Sam is actually laughing sliently, tears of laughter filling his eyes. Puck thinks that they're tears of happiness but when he mentions it later Sam punches him and tells him he's being a douche.

"I think you just outed us to the Glee Club," Sam says in between chuckles, and Puck suddenly remembers that there are other people in the room. He glances at the seats currently filled with shocked Glee members and shrugs.

"I can go and shout it in the hall too, if you want," Puck answers, unable to stop the stupid smile that is trying to ruin is badass image from spreading across his face. "If it means you'll say yes."

Sam rolls his eyes, leans his forehead against Puck's, still laughing slightly. "God, fine. Yes. I'll marry you".

Puck silently does a celebration dance in his head, and swoops in to kiss Sam to the cheers of the Glee Club who seem to have remebered how to use their vocal chords. He kind of regrets proposing in front of them now because he has to keep it PG and postpone the totally awesome engagement sex he's been imagining for the last few months until after school.

"But we're not doing this until we're out of high school," Sam quickly adds.

Puck shrugs. "Whatever, you're totally my fiancee now".

Okay, so this fic is...I don't even know. It's not very true to the characters but it was an idea that just fell into my head and I had to write it. It's a little bit crazy and ridiculous but I kind of like it. Hope you enjoy. Please comment/give con-crit if you read. I'm thinking of maybe doing a mpreg fic to come after this one but it depends on how well-recieved this one is. Thanks for reading :)

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