Gnome Returns..

May 25, 2005 22:35

Gnome: Ceaser Land has always been a hang out for small kids. A fun play land full of tunnels and games. One day, three high schoolers, Pat, Justin, and Tony wanted to have some childish fun. They paid to get in, and ran around acting like five-year olds. Off in a small corner sat Billy. The cursed kid who is followed by a demon from the depths of hell..The Gnome.

As the three older boys were in the tunnels running around, another kid-like person entered the tunnels.
"Common, We are going to play tag," Tony and Pat ran off and left Justin in the tubes. Justin saw a shadow runing through the tubing and decided to follow it. Every minuit he closed in. He rounded a corner to to find nothing there, Justin became confused as he felt a sharp pain in his neck.

Tony and Pat ran out of Ceaser Land. They had played their prank. And ditched Justin in the tunnels. They did not know what would happen. Pat started his car and pulled out. Leaving Justin behind to face his torments alone.

Justin sat there, wondering what had happend. He tried to call for Tony or Pat, but no voice came out. He started to feel warm and fuzzy. Justin sat down and saw a small hypodermic needle sitting on the ground. He felt his neck and relized the needle had been emptyed, into him. Justin sat there. He felt good, but deep down he was scared. The last thing he seen was a short pair of legs and a long bearded face.

He has no Idea what time it was. He just woke up, Although he was still feeling good. Justin could not feel any thing, but it did not seem to matter. Justin was laying down, with tall looming figures over him. They were old Ceaser Land statues. Old games were surrounding him. Justin decided it was time to leave. He tried to stand but could not. Over on a table there was a small jar. From a calss he had taken on drugs he relized what it was. Heroin. The needle that was used on him was heroin. Justin started to panic. He really tried to stand. Then he lifted his hands to grab onto a near by table to help him stand. He relized there were no fingers. Justin screamed inside, but could feel nothing.

The Gnome sat in a corner. Waiting for Justin to awaken. As Justin raised his hand Gnome grabed his rusty blade, and started the walk to do his job. Justin reconised the Gnome as the person in the tunnle. HE could not speak however. THe Gnome stood next to him and lowered the knife. Justin wet his pants. He was tarrified. THe Heroin had numbed his body, and he could not move. It was almost enough to kill him, but overdose was not The Gnomes style.

The Demonic creature proceded to cut Justin down the middle. Starting at the top of the rib cage and moving down. All justin could feel was a slight tingling feeling. The Gnome stoped, reaching inside and pulling out Justins liver. Justin could see the organs being ripped out. THe heroin was keeping him alive. Keeping him from passing out. And forcing him to see his own mutalation. The Gnome riped his stomic out. Pouring the acids into a small bowl. The Gnome carved into Justin, Keeping the blood going through the body. Keeping Justin alive. The Gnome took a lung, and bit into it.

After a short time Justin started to get feeling back. He screamed loud enough to break a humans ear drums.
The Gnome walked up to him, let out a high pitched laughter, and poured the stomic acid into Justins opend innards. The pain was more then any man could wish to bare before the Acid was dumpped. After, Justin wished for nothing but death. The gnome climbed ontop of Justin, Reached for his knife and smiled.
"You have seen enough," The gnome jabbed the knife into Justins Eyes. The last image that Justin saw was a dirty little Gnome, when he awoke from this dream the first sight would be the burning stepps of hell.
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