
May 19, 2006 13:23

Sometimes I feel like I understand other people more than I could ever understand myself. I mean, people will ask me a question about life or some sort of sick feeling they have and I will be able to give them an answer without taking a second to think. This whole week I have been feeling sick, had a migraine, and really have lost motivation in school almost completely after what had happened on Monday and I can't seem to reason with myself why I am feeling the way I do. It doesn't make sense, or atleast I don't. Wednesday night was crazy, I was upset and happy, confused and angered. I've backed off with the relationship I am in only because I need to evaluate what I am doing with someone after having been so completely crushed by Casey. While I have backed off with Chris, I know I care about him a lot and I know that I want to be with him more than anything right now and our plans are not going to end. Maybe I'm just stupid for "evaluating" but it feels necessary right now.

In other news, work hasn't been going so well with me this week, but I gaurantee it is because of the medication I have been on but that is completely fine because I finished my last dose this morning and don't have to take it ever again! WHOO!

In good news, I really have set myself straight these last few months. I'm not spending hours a day trying to understand life and why I am doing so bad at it. I finally understand that life has some fucked up turns and that's it.

Well, my laundry is done so I need to go shower and head down to Seattle for the weekend. I will come back with some glorious pictures and more to talk about.
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