Steampunk, Birdsong, Cake and Sheep

Apr 12, 2010 20:40

More steamy stuff.

He was a bit weird to draw, I knew what I wanted him to look like, but I just couldn't get him right until I add SIDEBURNS. Oh yeah, see them, fear them.

Then he was easy.

On other notes I went to Nottingham to pick up my comics from page 45 the other week, I haven't been for ages and though I've got them to send me comics every now and again to try and keep the price down I still had well over £90 there. EKKK. Yeah I didn't take that many but I couldn't resist the new hard back copy of The Killer by Luc Jacamon and Matz, which didn't help my case. GO translating the french!

And of course I stopped to take a photo of this:

EEEEE! Right on top of the recommened sign and next to Ork Stain (not read but Chamonkee rates it) and Nikki Stu!

They seemed very pleased with it and said it was very nice to see something that obviously had so much effort put in to it and was of a very high quality. (go Naniiebim for being so freaky about that!) They also were interested in when number 2 was coming out, and not in a we polietly show you interest kind of way. That being said I had a big grin on my face as I bought my comics, spoke to the hot guy on the counter and completely forgot to see how many they had sold. Doh.

This was the treat on the girly shopping day a couple of friends and I had the other day (mainly we went and tried on expensive dresses, I can apparently pull of seventies dinner party queen). We have Pistachio White Chocolate in the back left, Caramel Cheesecake (which was pure sugar and mine) in the back right and Chocolate Fudge cake at the front, all of which were suppose to be and I quote 'small pieces'.

I ate half before feeling ill, V managed most of hers (the Pistachio White Chocolate) bar the pure cream dollops on the top and Kerry, Kerry managed all of that massive mountain of chocolate bar about the last half inch.


We didn't have tea though.

I feel like a traitor.

Wednesday I saw sheep as I went to my car, in a carpark, in town.

Now I share the sheep.

Have sheep.

They were gone by the time I got home. (I can't help thinking mint sauce)

Ok Now I do need tea.

sheep, naniiebim, cake, steampunk, chamonkee, songbird, birdsong

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