Mid-February Update

Feb 12, 2010 16:47

Angst angst angst.
There's no other word to explain it.
Thank God Shannon puts up with it, because seriously.
It's the only word that describes how incredibly awful I feel.

I'm so definitely not okay. I want a hug. And Goldfish crackers. And Monica and Sarah. Fuck, I want my Monica and Sarah. They'll give me hugs and Goldfish. Yeahh. :)

Anyway, I'm bored and kind of post-angsty, which is the weirdest feeling ever, so I'm gonna leave you with the rest of the scene from Snow!fic that I posted earlier. :)

The rest of the bus ride is routine; people get on, cause more ruckus than the last group to board, and end with the whole bus laughing their asses off.

The bus comes to its last stop. It’s the stop that nobody ever gets on at. This is most likely because the corner of the street that they justified as an appropriate school bus stop is in the middle of absolutely nowhere, and better suited to be a marketplace for prostitutes.

But today, the bus stops and the doors open for a new boy. A spark of intrigue shoots through the bus as the new kid climbs aboard.

From what anybody can see in the dim light of the vehicle, the newcomer is just another new kid. Just somebody to burden them with annoy attempts at small talk or get so lost in the crowd that they never even realize he’s there.

But this kid is different. Er, he wouldn’t be so different, but Gabe Saporta is sort of looking at him like he’s trying to use his telepathic powers to make the kid sit next to him.

“Can I sit next to you?” the stranger asks Victoria Asher, the pretty girl on the bus. And Gabe’s look of panic and frustration and sadness is overpowering. Victoria smiles and reluctantly moves her bag from the spot next to her. She always roots for Gabe.

As soon as the bag is moved, the bus starts moving and the empty space by Gabe Saporta is now filled with a handsome outsider.

Without missing a beat, Gabe moves to catch the boy. As he does, the familiar smirk of a confident junior reappears across his features.

“Hi, I’m Gabe,” he says with poise. “Who might you be?”

“Oh, I’m William. William Beckett,” the passenger informs him. Gabe smiles even wider. This William person smiles back a slightly crooked smile.

“Oh hell,” Spencer says quietly. The only one who hears him is Brendon.

“Come on, Spenny. It’s not like you weren’t susceptible to Gabe’s awesome flirting powers when you were new,” the skinny, dark haired boy reminds him. Spencer smiles at him, because A, it’s true, and B, it’s Brendon. And Brendon makes circumstances just right for smiling.

Oh, also, I broke my toe on Monday! And I have crutches! And doctor's appointments! And I have to tape my toes together because my pinky toe (the one I broke) is FUCKED. UP. Seriously. Okay. Bye. :)

thank god for shannon lloyd, february, snow!fic teaser, general angst

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