
Aug 21, 2008 03:01

lol  i'm like revamping my entire lj. first it was the layout, now, i've changed some of my icons and profile thingy.

i've been procrastinating about changing my lj stuff for ages.... it seems like i was only being so productive this time round as i am currently procrastinating from my assignments. so i guess only another kind of procrastination can own one's current procrastination?

lol i hope that made sense.

now, the last thing on my list is to start f-locking my uber old entries. haha i'll die of boredom from doing that.

anyway, i love my new background! パオーン!the elephants are so cute. although they seem to have five legs.

i've to finish up my stupid overdue assignment tomorrow. gah. i really need to get this over with so i can move on to the ecosystem one lol. tomorrow, i will do it ISSHOKENMEI style hahaha!

Dazhi-sama is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack. from the land of amazing stuff, Japan. he texted us at 12pm and i only woke up at 6pm lol. he wants to meet up this weekend... omg i'm going to die of envy when i look at his pictures.



and i dreamt of Kame yesterday.


20 hours on the laptop, and exhaustion can give you amazing dreams. i nearly fell asleep on the chair while i was playing AV for my brother this afternoon.

ps: my mom is buying me a camera on friday! this is my 'i'm so happy' face: 8DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
i promise that camwhoring will ensue. it will be my new hobby.


friends, school, rambles

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