Jul 24, 2008 01:50
will someone please save me from my course classmates?
these high school musical enthusiasts, what can i say? they're really annoying. they love nothing but giving me new nick names and spreading rumours. wtf? grow up? get a life? no shit, they don't have one.
it's so suffocating to be around them. so not healthy.
things just keep getting worse each day. new rumours. new stupid nicknames. new chants. new discoveries about their neverending stupidity. they're pushing and testing my limits. i'm sure that one day, i'm going to snap and totally fuck them over. i hope, for their sake, that day never comes. too bad for them though, i can already feel it coming.
if i could, i would love to erase some of them away. period.
today, i was exhausted and pretty much kept to myself during the breaks. their verdict? 'YOU'RE EMO' hearing that only makes one even more irritated with their existence. emo? yeah i'll be emo since the world has such people like you.
i'm still ok with some of my classmates though.... like just a handful? lol. that's sad.
my teachers are harassing us to go for the school trip to some suspicious 'eco resort' , Loola, in Bintan. firstly, how can anything be eco friendly when you're building a resort over nature? she says that all the materials for building the resort came within it's boundaries. oh great, they chopped down all the trees to build the resort, how eco friendly! the more pictures she shows us of the resort, the more dingy and suspicious this whole thing gets. the most amazing thing during the 1924985732987th super boring trip brief she gave us, today, was that she didn't want to hide anything from us, revealing the dangerous stuff. apparently, there are sea urchins, stone fish, jellyfish and who knows what in the shallow water that we'll be wading through. but she claims that it's no big threat. right. stone fish. we would be more enthusiastic for this trip, if it were cheaper. nearly 400 bucks for a 4 day trip to Bintan, sounds like a rip off.
anyway, crap aside. i'm in love with ontography now. it's so obsessive. i'm obsessing over it. and Mr Lau was impressed with the trial version i did on A4. he commented a few weeks ago that my first draft was too intense hahaha. it was so worth losing sleep over. my sister said that my ontography looks manic lol. i guess all the shading of alternate squares on graph paper, when i was younger, really paid off huh? *is bricked* boredom makes you do wonders.
i watched Batman, again, today with some of my classmates. i felt particularly murderous towards one of them for his stupidity. i was too tired to bother, really. i fell asleep during the movie lol. Harvey Dent talking to Rachel... doze off. Harvey Dent talking to press... doze off. well you get the picture.
seriously, i just want to go to school to learn stuff. i wouldn't really mind if i end up hating most of my classmates. i think it must be in the genes. my sister tends to dislike her classmates too.
ok, back to my stupid photography homework and other assignments. 3 more weeks and this will be over.
won't someone teach me how to disappear to make school a little more bearable? as if i'm not invisible enough.