at 19, i want to stop screwing up.

Jan 21, 2008 18:52

at 19, i want to stop screwing up.

nothing witty or clever to say here... just that i really want to stop screwing my life up. anyway~ here's the super belated birthday post... since i..erm... like procrastinate a lot. yeah.

so, for the past few years, my birthdays have been really boring. just me sleeping the entire day away (and i really mean it) and one of my siblings dragging me out of bed, later in the evening, to eat a meal together. and if i could remember clearly... i cut my own birthday cake, by myself, last year... i got hungry at night and they were taking forever to agree on a day to cut it. it didn't taste that good after all. what a bummer. soooo.... i've decided that from this year on, my birthday will be full of self-dictatorship. mwahahahahaha.... *gets shot*

i took some random pictures....

the first thing i saw when i woke up on my birthday....

picture of my rabbit! bless his furry soul.

the next thing i saw....

whoooooaaa. that shocked me awake.

and something has been bugging my lately... if it's already January 2008....

why is my calendar still on Nov/Dec 2007? i think i like the picture too much lol.

i spent half the day shopping in Kinokuniya! i bought my stuff, a Narnia pop-up book for Ian and a Family Guy comic strip book for Serina. weird right. come to Samsonne's birthday! for on her birthday, you needn't get her presents, but you'll get one instead! *gets bricked* no that's true.

presents! even though it's fine if i didn't get any.... these were awesome!

my brother and Serina got me this card...

and they wrote that i'm the hybrid looking white rat in the middle. oh wait, is that a dog? ok, the rattish dog in the middle. Serina got me a Moxy!

it's so damn cute. and has MOXY OWNS OX. hahaha.

my brother got me the coolest thing ever... a one of a kind customised speaker!

i can't believe that they actually went to do a wikipedia search for L'Arc-en-Ciel lol. that's just amazing. and he wrote it perfectly!

i have a L'Arc-en-Ciel speaker. awesome!

and he wrote his demand for more cookies in it

the blurred words at the side are: 'MC = more cookies'

i got this uber cute card... Chip n Dale... pop-up... couldn't resist. they can't believe that i got my own card lol.


we ate at Ichiban Sushi and then there was cake!!!


ok... we ate the cake too quickly. CHOCOLATE FUDGE CAKE FROM SUN MOULIN. i swear by that bakery. it's so damn good. oh yeah... i wanted the other flavours too, so i bought slices of green tea, strawberry and blackforest cakes lol.

since i love my eyes so much, i spent the remainder of the night watching 時をかける少女 and L'Anni. i think my eyes were ready to die by the last song lol. i went to bed so happy like a smurf hahaha.

and guess what my dear 
tsukikeimade for me???

OMG. i swear that i love you hahaha <3<3<3 best card ever... may the creativity never end? :P

Bernice, thanks for remembering! we'll have to meet up soon, yeah? can you believe this is the 10th year we've known each other? omg.

Tunaboy! i'm so amazed that you remembered something! lol. i'm sorry for the weird nickname i've given you... Tunaboy Tunaboy Tunaboy but we have so much to catch up on, talk to you real soon.

i'd say that it was a pretty good birthday... self-dictatorship lol. i realised what a whiny fucker and asshole i was last year. i'm so sorry for that. i'm so not going to be like that anymore. i really want to stop screwing up my life. i've always said that i'll hate myself at 19. i'll hate myself, so that i'll actually change for the better. i guess this kind of hate isn't that bad huh? lol.  i've met nice people and assholes too in the past year. good friends are keepers lol. if i could, i would give presents to everyone!

i hope this year will be an amazing one! the same goes for everyone! (^_^)v

if you've seen all that... i worship you you deserve cookies! (and i still worship you) now i'll end with a random picture of Xylitol-kun lol.

he's sitting on my desk, wishing everyone a great day! みんな元気で~またね!


pictures, random, birthday, aliceakirafuelboysamsonne, food, rambles

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