Oct 31, 2007 22:02
everybody's dancing in the moonlight...
it feels so nostalgic to hear 'Dancing in the Moonlight' by Toploader after all these years. i think the last time i heard this song was about 5 years ago. i wish i could go back then.. to stupid and carefree days. i've been hearing it lately in the office though, i believe it's someone's ringtone. 5 years ago, i was stupider, had longer hair and didn't have so much shit to worry about. basically, things were better then. i was still in touch with my old school friends... and we were still doing stupid things together. doesn't life seem to only get suckier as time passes? this must be why Peter Pan refuses to grow up. that's a smart move, if you ask me. ah, but some part of me still refuses to grow up... the childishness is still here. i think my mind has only matured partially... the other retarded bit is still stuck in childish mode lol. tsk, puberty didn't go that smoothly for me hahaha.
i just had a weird thought:
'When that moon is big and bright
Its a supernatural delight'
these 2 lines somehow reminds me of werewolves lol. yeah... supernatural delight indeed.
'Everybody here is out of sight
They dont bark and they dont bite'
then there's these 2 lines... everyone has ran away in fear... do wolves bark? lol... more like howling huh. they don't bite?!?! this totally ruins my werewolves theory. *cries* ah.. see, my brain works in weird ways. well, i just thought that if the song were about werewolves, wouldn't that be way more interesting?
/end weird theory.
yay~! it's Halloween and i get to spend the day at home slacking! woot. i feel so much better today than i've been for the past few weeks. i'm going to watch L'Anni later to kill some time and to make myself feel happier.... because it's back to work for me tomorrow noooo i don't want to go... i'd finally figured out that i shouldn't be concentrating on work that much. why waste all that time and energy? i shall spend my time on mangas/anime instead. isn't that so much more fun? and ever since work started, i've not drawn a single thing at all... *flails* and to think i bought so many notebooks for that lol. so i shall switch off my brain at work, from 8am-6.30pm. it's just work, it's not my life hahahaha.
something made me really really happy today... Kinokuniya called!!!! MY CALENDARS ARE HERE!!!! they said that it would arrive in early November... but it isn't even November yet! D.Gray-man, Bleach and Gintama... omg. i should wait for a 20% off sale before i pick them up hahaha... they're quite bulky too. i think that by the time my excitement over them dies down... the KISS album would have arrived and i would be grinning like an idiot all the way through, to the end of this year. perhaps that even if life is like shit, i can still make it fun for myself. self entertainment... i would ace that if it were a subject lol. imagine this, if i do get to go on the Japan trip in January... omg, i wouldn't just be happy. i would be all trigger happy lol. by then, yes, the excitement and happiness would be uncontainable.
L'Anni time~