Yeah I think that I might break [1/1]

Aug 10, 2010 04:17

 It seems that I have found myself a fandom which has caused me to write this, and change many of my icons. I was due for a change. I highly recommend you all watch The Losers, and read the comics. All 32 issues >I

Title: Yeah I think that I might break
Pairing: mention of past Cougar/Jensen
Rating: T for swearing and gay
Warning: Major spoilers. Like, you have no idea
Disclaimer: Do not own, but I have the comics
Summary: sooner or later, he has to believe in something.

He should have known that it would end up like this. It’s always the funny guy that survives. Always. And it was lucky that Pooch even made it out. He think that that maybe he should go back in time, make a little time machine, whatever, and fix it all. Tell The Losers what the fuck was going on so they could fix it. He could fix it. But as the grand expanse of universe would have it, no. Instead, what’s left of their team are two men, and the ghosts of two good men, and two traitors.

It hurts, he thinks. Knowing that it would all end up like this? He knew from the start that people would die, he just wished that he had some kind of force field so it wouldn’t hurt so much. But he does have to give himself credit. He hides it pretty well, for a guy who likes to voice his opinions; Jensen is almost a god damn mime.

He visits Pooch and his family on occasion. It’s something he promised himself he would do. Sometimes he even brings his sister and niece, and they all have a little family dinner; except it feels like there should be more people. Jensen and Pooch talk about them sometimes, ignoring everything before the shit hit the fan, and instead focusing on the good parts, the fun parts. The parts that made them smile instead wanting to grit their teeth and hang their head.

Jensen would be lying if he said he didn’t sort of have a little thing for Cougar way back when. Back when he was new and wanted something to hang off of. Cougar seemed sensible; he never talked, so he never had anything to say to Jensen. There were no “shut the fuck up” or “Close your god-damn mouth.” In the grand scheme of things, it was perfect. He had a friend he would confide in, but it was like talking to a toy. It stared at you, but it never actually responded.

It all has to end sometime, and Jensen sort of wished he was six, where nothing is evil, and he’s too ignorant to notice that evil is all around him. It’s all about the Cowboys and Indians. It’s all about the Saturday morning cartoons. The only true thing that never changed was the game of war. Except for when it stopped being a game, and became very, very real.

Somewhere, in his head, in the back files of “a fucking long shot” he likes to think that Clay and Cougar are still alive -Not Aisha. She better be dead. She better be fucking dead-. He likes to imagine what life would be like if Clay and Cougar were still alive, if Max, or both Max’s were six feet under and had no way of ever coming back; if they all lived happily ever after. It’s a good life in his head. The world is safe and there’s no need for death and guns and drug rings. It’s perfect. Except for how it’s not perfect, in any way, shape, or form.

It’s later, maybe two years later, that Jensen likes to believe in reincarnation, because sooner or later, he has to believe in something.

f: the losers, p:cougar/jensen, fanfiction

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