I better get this puppy (long fic preview)

Mar 25, 2010 15:56

 So I think I'm getting a puppy. I think. Because the last time I was in the knowledge of having a puppy, well, we didn't get the mother fucking puppy. 
His name is Shadow and he's a Black Lab, German Shepard cross. You can imagine how big this guys going to get, but I'm fine with that, as long as we actually get him.

Also, I have been thinking about this fanfiction for a while and I really like it, and I wanted to show you guys what I have so far. It's Sci-Fi because I started writing this after I passed chapter 10 in "Brave New World." So most of the ideas come from that, with a few twists and whatnot. Still doesn't have a title.

Somewhere, someplace, Roxas thought that the doom lights in Hayner's garage ceiling were frightening. Like some kind of horror movie gone array and some monster was waiting, just waiting, for the lights to flicker. And they did, and every time the sanctuary of light diminished for a few lonely seconds, Roxas thought that he would be dead come the next light.

But he wasn't, and dutifully blamed it all on the REZ. Hayner, who seemed to be lying on the ground, staring in wonder at the same light that Roxas was staring at, twitched involuntarily. Roxas saw this and laughed loudly; thinking that the simple fact that Hayner had become so twitchy reminded him that Hayner was a bunny rabbit. How adorable and yummy the blond thought.

No other light was in the garage save for the doom light over them. It glowed brightly but continued to flicker, making Hayner twitch, and Roxas become paranoid. His eyes were hazed over, and the couch in the corner; the one that was tweed and orange and disgusting, held Namine and Olette, the two other occupants that had passed out long ago from making out because they felt like it.

Hayner twitched again and laughed loudly, which suddenly became an epidemic and caught Roxas, who laughed along with him. They laughed and laughed and continued to laugh until the two girls that were lying on the couch woke, and wondered what the commotion was about.

Roxas explained that "Hayner is totally tweakin' out" and they all laughed as Hayner lay on the floor, giggling and twitching.

The REZ that was in the corner was little and seemed to glow a dim green, the paper wrapped around it the only thing holding the herb together.

Somewhere else in City X, district 12, a woman with blond hair and piercing green eyes laughed at the test tube she had in her hands. The green liquid that sloshed around in the container glowed brightly when out of the lamp light, but once brought back under the contents of the test tube quickly became a simple olive colour again.

The woman, with her long finger nails and sharp features, laughed louder and louder. The test tube she held was placed to her lips then, and promptly emptied into her painted mouth. A small trait of green trailed down her chin and down her neck.

Green eyes became bright then, a florescent quality coming from her irises, and then suddenly disappearing with the lack of a pupil. Or perhaps a pupil so small that her vision was less then par, and all she saw was green, green, and more green, her mind feeling like it was being petted by God's hand and her endorphins blooming ecstasy.

The woman, the one with the sharp features and deadly eyes, fumbled out of the dark room, the light from the white halls barely nothing compared to the green she saw.

Somewhere else, far, far away from City X and district 12, over the red tides of Gorgon Metropolis was a man with modified slate-coloured hair. His hands toiled away and held a small cauterizer. The man leaned down into his project and when the cauterizer made contact to a piece of small medal sparks flew in every direction, the sound making the distinct harmonization of bees in a tizzy.

The man, who had an inane sense of humor, accidentally had one of the sparks hit him on his bare hands. The man, -perhaps not even a man but a youth at the edge of adulthood- let out a low laugh, fitting for that of a psychopath.

White gauze was instantly covering the small mark, and the person who had done so, the one that the slate-haired youth had failed to notice, was behind him with lithe arms wrapped around his smaller being.

"You must rest at some point; can it not wait for tomorrow when you're well rested?"


And that was that. The man, who was behind the small scientist frowned, walked away from the dark lab into the murky, echoing halls that dripped with more than just water.

Back in district 24, Roxas, Hayner and the two girls regarded each other with a small wave, and walked off to their districts. Roxas figured that the REZ and the garage that Hayner had supplied were something he should thank for. Next week the get-together was being held at his house.


In Roxas' room, the one with the dark blue walls and the piles of laundry in four different corners, he sat at his desk dividing and adding up different amounts of REZ and how much would be needed to see the personified form of happy. Hayner had said she was a beautiful lady with long blond hair as bright as gold.

When he heard a knock at his door he welcomed whoever was outside, in, his eyes still focused on dividing and adding.

"Roxas, dinner is almost ready, come down stairs and get ready please!" His mother walked up behind Roxas and patted his shoulder, smiling down at his job and kissing his cheek.

The young blond smiled and told his mother that he would be down shortly, right after he was down adding up his REZ. She nodded and told him not to work too hard.

Twelve limes, eight olives, and fifteen neon's, plus two jades, six Viridian's and four Emeralds. If he mixed two Emeralds with a Viridian it made a Shamrock and if he added Neon it would make a Teal, but if he added another Neon plus a lime he would get Chartreuse. If only he could find a Spring then maybe--



His hand slid across the desk and mixed all the REZ into a small aluminum box, which was then thrown onto the blue duvet. Out into the hall he passed family portraits and large paintings that depicted the almighty Kaiser.

When his feet contacted with the white carpet he heard hushing and whispering before it became silent. Roxas raised an eyebrow and wondered if he was hearing things.

"Mom? Dad? What's going on?"

When Roxas turned from the stair ways and entered the kitchen the loud burst of "Surprise!" most definitely surprised him. His mother and father were behind the island table and smiling fondly, their faces showing signs of aging through their proud smiles. In front of them, on the marble green table island table was a cake and two boxes. One wrapped in a shiny blue paper with a deep red bow on top, and a plain brown wrapped box that looked to be from almost a century ago.

"Happy Birthday Roxas!"

Roxas, who had always been one to have large, extravagant birthdays found this strangely disappointing and wondered why he had two presents instead of twelve, which is what he usually had. But then again he usually had more people giving him gifts instead of just his parents.

"Oh wow you guys... I had no idea that--"

Roxas's mother waved her hand and started cutting the cake, her voice even, agile like the knife she held to slice the chocolate treat, "Oh don't be quo Roxas, and we just wanted to give you our present because we're going to be away for your party. Even grandpa sent a present. He thought it would be dapper if he sent you a millennium gift,"

His father picked up where his mother left off, "You know... Your grandpa collects things from way back when. Like... back in the Tech era! Yes, things like... posters, toys, books, cutlery, and all those things. You remember! Ridiculous hobby really,"

Roxas didn't really remember, but figured that it wasn't of any consolation to him because it wasn't like his grandpa was there. All he knew was that his grandfather had given him a present from the Tech era. Oh great, it was probably a rag doll, like one of those... what were they called again? G.I.Joe dolls; they were only found in Museums in Essen Roxas thought.

A plate of cake was placed in front of him and Roxas's thoughts went from the brown wrapped gift to the treat in front of him. His father gave him a fork and he hungrily dug in. He always did get the munchies when he had REZ.


The shiny blue wrapping paper was neat, perfect and it almost made Roxas regret shredding it to pieces. Inside was an Informant ID. The small metal device was smooth and sleek in his hands, and when he held it up to his mother and father their body heat was shown, and windows and information starting popping up on the holo-screen.

Baxter Lucas Groves. Processing. Blood type AB. Age: 46. Occupation: Cilo Engineer.

Maxine Ainsley Roderick-Groves. Blood type O. Age: 42. Occupation: DNA Filer.

"Thank you so much, I love it!" And he did, out of all this things his parents had ever bought him this was probably one of the few things that could actually come into use. Of course all the other junk they had gave him to show their love and adoration was stored in his closet. This was why he had so many clothes on the ground in the first place. Not enough room. He should probably ask him mom about getting a maid.

"Mom, Dad, this... this is great, thank you, I don't know what to say..."

"Pish-posh Roxas, your father and I just thought this would come in handy. We want you to be happy dear, always," The way they talked and held onto each other made the young teen squirm. Always happy. Forever and always. Never sad, forever glad, never sad, forever glad.

He shook his head and bit down on his tongue, tasting the chocolate, and tried to focus on that instead of the words in his mind.

This is fairly ridiculous and riddled with mistakes. FFFFFFF *eats oreo's*


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