I didn't even know this was possible to catch again

Sep 25, 2009 22:10

It's happened. Again.

I've become a FMA drone. Again. I remember when I loved Fullmetal Alchemist. I like, really loved it, and then the it ended and I had practically drained my supply of RoyxEd until the fandom turned into a shriveled piece of nothing. Then it drifted away into the wind.


I blame this all on Brotherhood. I know that Brotherhood is the TRUE anime. It actually follows the manga line.

THUS IT HAS LING YAO ALK;SDJF;LAKSJDF;L *foams at mouth* You had no idea how sad I was that he wasn't in the anime before. But now Brotherhood, and Ling Yao.

I've almost spelt "Yaoi" each time I spell "Yao" OH! But I didn't do it there!

And now I'm hankering for some more doujin. I remember the hermaphrodite series. That was a good doujin; I loved that shit *reminices*

So yes, now I'm going to file through the many crap worthy fanfictions on ff.net just to find a good one-shot or two, just to quench the thirst and all.

fml: doujin, fanfiction

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