May 22, 2004 20:29
Today, I was so tired I like slept through my rec game. Then I finnally got to leave the ballpark. I got home at 2:13 and slept until 6:47 when my dad woke me up. I would have still been sleeping…
Allison:: Don’t feel bad about the person who has the same name as my brother, I know for a fact that you’ll find someone in the place you least expect it. You know your cool and pretty and funny, so no worries there. Mean Men Suck.
<--and thats a popsicle.
<--and thats cotten candy. Be Happy
Erica Nicole Ronkese:: You’re amazing. @)--->-- a rose for youuuu. The 21st day of the month :-X its De`Ja`Vu.
kesebaby24: they best songs have a jack and some cool chick to go with him
~she’s right, you know
kesebaby24: i'd be like wow...i need a pee partner
kesebaby24: and now that kaseys not there
kesebaby24: i have no one
kesebaby24: because we have our 1 am pees together
kesebaby24: and they;re important to me
kesebaby24: :-)
That speaks for itself.