Let me give you a brief taste of my day:
"Saturday, April 02, 2005
Pope John Paul II Dies
by Superman @ 3:16:00 PM
after a long illness and battle with
parkinsons, multiple organ failure, et al.
Pope John Paul II has
"Multiple organ failure, et al."? Does this seem a little crass and uncaring to anyone else?
That was the taste. I hope you enjoyed it. On to other news
I honestly love doing theatre. And I think Kaylin was dead on when she said "I don't think you choose theatre; theatre chooses you" Yes!!!
However, and this is a big however, theatre has also traditionally given a home to the oddities. And I'm not talking the slightly off kids who talk to themselves, or the ones who know so much about lighting that in their everyday vocabulary frequently appear words like 'ellipsiodal' and 'gobo'. No, I'm just talking about the striaght out creepy ones. To protect the innocent and my reputation, I'm not going to name names or go into detail, but what is it with the sophomores and the touching?
Hmmm. What else? I've found myself sitting alone by the fountains at the student union twice in the last 4 nights. Not that I mind particularly that, but it's not been exactly balmy. It is Nebraska, after all. However, and I don't know if this is the setting or the weather or what, I've found that it is an environment highly conducive to putting thoughts on paper. Or maybe I can just attribute it to the fact that I get marvelously cutting when I'm annoyed and I've gotten a lot of college rejections in the last few days. That seems pretty likely, too.
It's been a while since I actually found the time to sit down and write. Thanks for listening.
Come to My Fair Lady. We're spending extravagant amounts of money to make it look as though Kaylin can sing. It's worth seeing.
OK, one last thing. May I draw your attention to the mood icon? Yeah, go ahead, look. What exactly is the 'determined' fox doing? How does that signify determined?