Apr 28, 2008 11:41
Hmm.. we went to this "Job and Career Fair" advertised in the Straight times. :)
Too bad, there weren't any tech-jobs , most jobs are only reserved for PR and citizens, so we weren't able to search "prospects" for my friend Jessette.
Most jobs are for 'police' , 'navy' and other government work.. As well as specialized jobs for business.
In Suntec, we also found this ad posted saying "BIG NAME BRANDS up to 90% sale"...
So we decided to give it a shot, after all, we are always in the look out for any bargain.
What a deceiving poster!
I didn't even recognize a single name in their list of brands. Moreover, they were selling what seemed to be rip offs of Brazilian sandal maker - Ipanema and Havaianas --- at exorbitant prices, too. (20 SGD for a rip off sandal? C'mon.) Of course, they had a different name, but the design was a carbon copy of the cult brazilian favorites.
so. yeah. that was pretty WRONG.
Since we were in the city hall area (out and about Suntec mall and the exhibition hall), we saw this quaint looking victorian inspired church and decided to take a look.
We went inside and attended the 5PM service.
Well, I was a bit apologetic, and raring to go to mass since I have been planning to go to mass for a long time, but I hadn't been able to (due to schedule constraints.)
So me&jessette sang the hymns, said our prayers, and responsorial psalms. Jessette noted that the Blessed Virgin Mary is emblazoned on the thick church wall, so it's a good sign that it's Catholic.
Wasn't Catholic at all. In fact, they didn't do the sign of the cross. There was no tabernacle and signs of Jesus' suffering (i.e. their crosses did not have Jesus' naked body hammerred on the cross.). There were no stations of the cross too.
Although. the weird part was, the priest looked like a catholic priest.
Their bibles did not have Luke and the other apostles. Hmmm. what a travesty, i thought.
The priest yapped away with his sermon, going around in circles, talking about Adam and Eve and his sexist interpretation of how women are the root of all evil. He talked about how we should open our hearts to the Lord, because he has an aunt who apparently has cancer because she belongs to another faith. He also talked.. about his kids and how his kids could not fathom that people are not safe from sin.
KIDS! Oh dear. That shook alarm bells in my head. And all his sermon notes did not make any sense to me, and personally left me revolting.
I could not disrespect them (or their church ) of course, since we were "well intentioned trespassers" ... so we waited till his hour-long sermon was over, and we scurried away.
That incident. Was Sooo wrong.
After dinner, while looking for my "sour champuy", we wandered along Kovan, walking leisurely to catch the bus. Within a glimpse, the bus arrives, and so we ran like the wind to catch it.
It almost felt like a movie scene, walking against all odds, our plastic bags and purses flying, my hand rummaging quickly to take heed of my ez link card.
And guess what ?
Bus driver drives away and leaves poor Camille and Jessette to wait for the next one.
I could have sworn.. he SAW us. He deliberately left us there, like a tease.
Wrong again.