You know what would be funny as hell? If rappers were all English teachers. "Foo" would be the word of the day ... every day. xD Or better yet, Mike Tyson. If we cloned millions of Mike Tysons and gave them the job to be 'English teacher' all around the world ... "It was just the edumication that led to the factuals of the incarcerationing of my dialated match." Yes, Mike, we understand. ^^;
I think Ziggy Stardust [Ziggy] is pregnant. xX; I have a pregnant rat. Eek. ..;
I can't wait to see my Senior pictures. xD I think they came out kickass.
Like the new color scheme and such? I thought the gray text was easier to read than the white. =X
What makes rappers funny. Do the lyrics make any sense? No. Did we expect them to? No. Were they intended to make sense? Probably. xD