Some of you may remember the plea i made you almost one year ago regarding the fight to stop Pediatric Mulletitis.
if not, you can find it here: i know many of you share my concern over this crippling problem.
I think that we are setting our sites too low. we should set our sites MUCH higher! i suggest that we start a grass roots campaign to eliminate the Mullet in all its forms. this means the wee-mullet, she-mullet, mexi-mullet, the white-trash mullet, and even the wee-mullet cousin, the training mullet (otherwise known as the rat tail) should all be on our list of eradication.
How, you ask? You know someone with a mullet? Don't lie to them and tell them it looks good. tell them the truth. don't wait for them to ask. go out of your way to take them aside. stage an intervention. there are support groups available through Fantastic Sam's.
So i need your pledge, here and now, that you will aide in the fight to cure ALL forms of Mulletitis.