+all i want for christmas is my own damn place+

Dec 11, 2005 01:25

Ugh..Bang head, bang head.
Sometimes I hate my parents.
My Mom was being so fuckin stupid tonight.

"You don't care about anything any more."
"All you care about is hanging out with your friends."
"You don't even care about your car anymore. It's falling apart."
"You say you wanna move out. How are you gonna take care of yourself?"
"You act like you don't even live here. Like it's just a pit stop for you."
..and my new favorite..
"From now on your going to be handing over your whole paycheck to me, except for $100."
..oh..and no arguement would be complete without the infamous..
"All you care about is hanging out with Josh."

I just want them out of my fuckin hair.
I'm not a little kid.
I don't need them down my throat about shit that I know I have to do.
Such as my credit card bill that she was bitching about tonight.
I've already made arrangements with Capital One.
I'm already paying them back.

So what I bought a ferret.
I don't think that's any of my Mom's business.
I paid for all of her stuff..
I take care of her..
She's mine.
And so is the money that I spent on her.

I haven't asked to borrow any money from my parents.
I can't say the same for them.
I can't even begin to tell you how much money I have given them since I've been back here.

I do my fair share of shit around this hell hole.
And they make it sound like I don't do anything.
Even when it comes down to stupid shit like dishes and laundry.
Maybe if they didn't wait till the fuckin closets were full of dirty clothes before they washed them, the would have clothes to wear.
Don't fuckin wait till you have nothing and then call my name.
I have shit to wear.
I do my own laundry.
If all I'm gonna hear about is their clothes, then they should do their own fuckin laundry too.

If you drink something..Wash the cup.
You eat something..Wash the fuckin plate.
Then the dishes won't pile up to the fuckin ceiling.
Don't call Jessica.
I'm not the only one around here with two fuckin hands.
I don't care if they have to work all day.
Not when they wanna be assholes about everything.
If i'm out, (whether it's at work, or out with Josh, or whatever..) I shouldn't have to come back here to play little Ms. Maid.
Fuck that.

I'll be out of here by March.
Money-wise, life'll suck till then..
But I'll flip out if I'm here any longer than that.

And she's fuckin nuts if she seriously thinks I'm going to hand her my paycheck every week..She's lost her damn mind..

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