
May 30, 2003 19:57

1. Your Live Journal "user name" & what it means:
fuckyouloser... um it means 'fuck you' to anyone i think is a loser.. i guess.. actually i didn't think about it at the time, its just sorta the first thing that came to mind (my mind just works like that), and micah typed it in and my beautifull polite username was born!

2. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest) how well does your Live Journal represent who you actually are?
about an 8, it represents most of the things that go on in my head. i'd say to properly know me (and gain the other 2 points) tho you'd have to hang out with me.

3. How much about your life do you post to LJ?
everything i can be bothered to type, which is most of it.

4. Is there anything you refuse to post about?
graphic sex details, cos thats between me and whoever i did it with.

5. On a scale of 1-10 how interesting do you think your own journal is to others?
depends on the entry.. sometimes i even bore myself 0, sometimes i read my own entries and think im fucking cool 10, then i get an ego and start shit with people who think they're cooler *cough*youarenotcool*cough*

6. From who/how did you find out about LJ?
I used to be on Open Diary (but hated how you have to sing in everytime), then switched to Blogger (but hated how no one could leave comments), then i tired to get an lj cos some of my friends were on it, but couldn't find a code so i settled for Dead Journal for a while till i got an lj code from Micah and here i am.

7. Has anyone ever joined LJ because of you?
graham... who never ever wrote anything in his journal!

8. What proportion of your posts are friends only?
most of them, and a lot are for friends who are in my custom friend group.

9. What is your favourite interest on LJ?

question 10 was deleted for it's stupidity:
question 10 is stupid for being stupid enough to be deleted!

11. How often do you respond to/comment on other peoples' journals?
when i feel the need. i usually comment in a few journals a couple of times a week.

12. Do you prefer to write in your journal, read other journals?
both, depends if i have something to write, or if there is something interesting to read.

13. Have you ever had something mean said to you or been stalked, harassed, or got into an argument/flame war on LJ (or did it to someone else)?
Hahah!! YES! can't list them all, too many! I'm a fire-starter baby!

14. Have you ever banned someone from your journal?
yep, only one: BirdHunter01... dork, no one disses Robin and lives!

15. Who are your favourite LJ friend(s) and why?
: the following people rule the skool! __discotraxx, arthurunknown, colly102, ironyisfun, karimonica, killerqueen1, kimeatworld, kissyourbullet, myribsbroke, neon_dick, nowtheworld,skademon, spannaroo, thebird, thejoyofsorrow, thisisdisconect, xuntitledx

16. How many of your LJ friends have you actually met?
Neon_dick, arthurunknown, thebird, skademon

17. Of all of the people on LJ you know of, who is the most like you?
hm... probably kari for her love of midtown, and boys in bands:)

18. Why are you most likely to add someone to your friends list?
similar interests and general coolness!

19. Do you automatically add friends to your journal if they add you first?
most of the time.. usually only if they add me and leave me a comment saying they've added me.

20 was deleted beacuse it was stupid also...
bring on the stupidity!

21. Is your "significant other" on LJ?
don't have one so its not an issue.

22. Have you ever wanted to meet someone on LJ?
yep, eeeveryone!
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