Existentialism is a lie

Apr 01, 2016 09:10

Maybe it's not an existential, maybe it's reality seeping into this fake society humans have appropriated for the last whatever amount of time. Humans aren't meant to live like this, and I can't escape the feeling that I'm not alone in feeling this way. That is what I consider an existential issue - the fact that humans are incredibly intelligent beings, and yet there are so many of us that it becomes impossible to manage appropriately.
The fact that someone is doing any managing of humans is pretty funny to me, although it has always been this way. With everything and anyone, in moderation is key. Humankind is no longer in moderation, it's no longer based on our primal instincts which still power us despite the lack of mortal danger [what do you think a panic attack is]? We are over populated messes of people who are hateful towards one another, out of our own self-interest. I feel more and more like a fucking hippie the longer I live in Portland, and that is also extremely ironic considering my feelings towards this place [not fantastic]. And yet, I am not able to manage my emotions without taking a little pill that dulls certain censors in my brain an pumps dopamine into my life allowing me to feel happier, and be less disturbed by these societal things.

I wonder, how curious it is that we are raised in unfortunate environments with people who don't know what they're doing, who have their own issues, who transfer those issues onto their children, who have been held down by the same agenda you have fallen beneath, whether blood related or no - who you surround yourself with, who you listen to, who you admire. Raised to be a certain way only for society to tell you no, you may not express yourself or feel that way, you must have this disorder, take this pill. For school systems to ignore and chastise, not able to do anything to fix things, but for a few good souls who thankfully are caring teachers, carrying the weight of it all. I am an emotional being, and I am an empath. If you say something to me regarding your state of affairs, I might cry for you and the sad state of humanity in the world including everyone else's sadness. I admit, I often get so wrapped up in the horrors of the world and of my own experience and struggles, I get so upset that I am blinded by it. Remembering again that "his mother died yesterday," or "her cat was hit by a car," or "he became homeless" because society is not nurturing to people who have had an unfortunate life event [job loss, death in the family, disease, bills, rising rent costs], that racism exists, that intolerance exists (don't get me started on the church system, as it ties into this) - this is all molded by these incomplete humans that, meaning well, have passed through the generations since society as we know it began - even before. The government decided against being for the people at some point, and here we are. Even still, there are times when we cannot trust our own minds after growing up in a society like the United States. It's an existential problem the government, churches, big banks, greedy old and young men alike [and women, cough rothschild, clintons, bushes, regans, powerful figures cough] have created. We allowed it because it's hard to make decisions for ourselves and be self-propelled go-getters who want a better life and are willing to fight for it and work for it.

Then there's half of the population that has never considered this, because the media tells them it's all fine with an occasional terror threat to keep them scared enough to believe their government is going to protect them if shit hits the fan. So much more including the above listed become overwhelming. People have to disassociate themselves from the news, and the media, because horrible things are happening in the world. We should not shy away from this, as horrible as these things are. We should use them as fuel to fight for a better economy. To talk about a better future for our children, pets, friends, family, everything, everyone, etc. Think about it. Read about it. Back through thousands of years, this has always been the case. Even existentialism is a lie.

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