Dear C

Apr 13, 2015 23:18

I do not know you real well. You and I haven't spoken much in the 8 years I have known you through my fiance'. You have a daughter with him, but there is ZERO reason for you to be such a cunt toward me. There is ZERO reason for you to be such a cunt toward my fiance'.

Yes, you had a falling out with him. Yes, you two broke up a few years ago. GET OVER IT.

For you to try to cause drama on MY facebook is untoward and unbecoming of a grown woman. Real nice example you're setting for your kid, lady. And I use the term "lady" quite loosely. You are no lady in the traditional sense, in gender only. And you give us real women a bad reputation.

No wonder S got sick of you. No wonder he's not too thrilled whenever your name pops up on stuff. He's dreading all the childish stupidity you're about to unleash. I can't say I blame him, really, I've seen enough of it, myself, over the years, I'm not surprised why he left. You may have been the one to break up with him officially, but he is the one who left you a LONG time ago, cunt. Not to be with me, but let's just say he and I have had countless discussions, and he's decided I'm a serious upgrade from you.

The book he gave me tonight was a second-hand copy he'd brought with him from Washington. It was not a brand new book, and I am perfectly fine with that. I'm happy with any books I receive, new or otherwise. For you to snipe off with "R would like something new, too!" tonight, you DON'T want to go there with ME. You want to talk about that?! Let's. Let's discuss how you're living with your 7 1/2 year old daughter in a HOTEL, which is NOT a stable place to live! S, for whatever reason, and that's between y'all, has allowed you to have custody of R. I do not judge him for his choice. Like I said, that is solely between the two of you. For you to attack S on MY facebook, though, that's a warrant for me to come out there and beat the fat off you. I'll be beating awhile, though, b/c what do you weigh now . . . a good 500? Disgusting. I'm no skinny minny myself, but I'm not nearly the nasty ass you are. Your penchant for the dramatics, too, little girl, you need to watch what you say around R, b/c she is little and she will pick up on it, and it will come back to you 100 fold. It's your karma, though. Not mine, not R's, and certainly not S's.

S moved out to Ohio to get away from the likes of the white trash in Spokane. I'm proud of him for putting his foot down and saying enough is enough and doing something to improve his situation and getting away from whores who don't know the concept of boundaries, and a cuntrag ex who can't seem to understand that you are only in S's life because of R. If it weren't for you spreading your legs and deliberately getting pregnant and being too poor to take care of your kid - by that I mean living in a PROPER home environment, not a fuckin' hotel, making sure she's taken care of and ALL her needs are met. Living in an environment such as the likes you're in now, with a man who doesn't even love you, doesn't even LIKE you, that's pathetic. - if it weren't for all that, you wouldn't have S in your life.

S tries to call every night to talk to R. YOU are the one who can't get off your lazy, disgusting ass to pick up the phone and put down the donuts long enough to answer the phone and hand it to R so she can have some Daddy time. God, you're pathetic.

You do NOT want to continue pissing me off, C. I can - and will - report you for child endangerment and neglect and whatever else I can think of. CPS in Spokane does NOT play. I don't, EITHER.

Fuck you, you overgrown cow!

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