
Jan 31, 2014 16:29

 At least once a week I find myself amazed at how utterly stupid or rude people on public transport are.

Seriously, if the bus is filling up and there aren't that many seats left, don't put your bags, gloves, gadgets, hands, feet (!!) on the empty seat beside you and pretend not to hear when someone says 'excuse me', especially if it's an elderly person, because then you look like even more of a dick.  No one wants to sit beside you either asswipe, but since everyone else pays the same amount you do they're just as entitled to sit down as you are. I get that having to use public transport is probably emasculating, but since you're on public transportation, you need to put your big boy pants and suck it up and not be a total douche canoe. Also, don't monopolize as much space as possible; it's not a contest. If there's three seats, don't sit in the middle and spread your legs out in that pseudo-aggressive way to take up the other two.  Also, don't be an edgehog, ever. If you're so concerned about having your ~ personal space, get a car or a bike. If you are going to do that, don't get all huffy and make like they've inconvenience you when someone asks to sit down. Also, don't lose your shit and get all aggressive if I accidentally make eye contact with you. There's no where else to look and it doesn't mean I want to fight you, and it certainly doesn't mean I'm flirting with you.

And another FWP type rant: There's a bus that's designated for university students (in fact it's called 'University') because it's the only bus that goes through the campus and because there's a ton of people that need to get from campus to downtown. Before you cry 'elitism', the reason there's a bus designated specifically for the students is because the other surrounding routes use the small, regular sized busses and simply can't handle the influx of people going to and from the campus, and because there's already a large number of people using those routes, so this is supposed to alleviate overcrowding. Without fail,  by the time it gets to campus it is already full of the great unwashed and their strollers/shopping bags/kids/other space-consuming items, and they will often be doing any combination of the obnoxious things I listed above. What gets me is that there are 5 other buses that travel similar routes to downtown, but none of them go through campus, so everyone on campus is left out in the cold (literally) waiting 20-45 extra minutes when this bus arrives completely packed. The reason these peasants like the University bus is because it's bigger (for obvious reasons) and cleaner, because the ~ millenials and student age people that everyone likes to rag on are usually more housebroken than the rest of the people in this cesspool of a city and don't throw their garbage around like slobs. Oh, and we university students actually had  to pay a supplementary  fee to create this route and keep it maintained because these mouthbreathers complained about how we are a nuisance, and we don't even get to use it. I don't even care if I sound like a snotty cunt, these peasants can gtfo and take their poverty somewhere else.

Seriously, I know some bus drivers who should be nominated for sainthood. I don't know how they have the patience for these morons. I would have driven the bus into the wall if I had to deal with these people on a day to day basis.  

whiny entitled fucktard

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