Thanks for the banning

Sep 30, 2011 10:43

Fuck you. You banned me from that community without any legitimate reason whatsoever. I was already behaving myself after you sent me that rude threat in my e-mail about you going to ban me if I kept posting what you and other haters in your community refer to as "spam". You and them always thouht I was posting nothing but that, even when I posted questions about the show and contributed stories and drawings of that fanbase at times. I even contributed videos of concepts about games based on the fanbase at times. True, I did a couple of random posts at times, but my intentions were to lighten up the mood in that community, not make fun of it. True, I did post rude thoughts about the comic version of that particular videogame, because I felt it was nowhere and the plotholes were bigger than anything George Lucas ever came up with with his recent Star Wars movies.

But I didn't always posted such things, it seems you just concentrated on the "bad" things I posted, and never bothered thinking about anything else I contributed before. I can guess why you banned me, because my last couple of posts there were about the fans starting their likgin for that franchise, and a post about a possible crossover with another gaming franchise from the same company. That was it. All of the sudden, you ban me without ever telling me why. I try to contact you in your journal and you banned me from there as well. Fine, be that way and keep your community. I hope someone like me joins and makes your time difficult as much as you thought me of doing in the first place.

bitch please, everyone hates you, bawwwwww, entitlement jerks

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