Jan 08, 2008 12:23
This is a whole plethora of fuckyaverymuchlys:
--Fuck you, O Wise and Wonderful GWB, for screwing with the military's bonuses and raises. You sit there and run your retarded mouth about how much you support the troops, whine that you need a bajillion dollars to fight this fucked up occupation, then pull this shit when it comes to paying the people stuck doing all the crap you blather on about (while sitting in your cushy house, getting paid how much more money than they do)? Fuck you for reals, you hypocrite.
--Fuck you, semi drivers who feel you OWN THE ROAD and for some reason believe that you can take off like a Civic when you turn out in front of traffic. It's really fun for all of us to have to come to a screeching halt because you seem to believe that you're more important than the rest of us that, oh yeah, HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY.
--Fuck you, Mom, for seeming to think that since you think Dad's a douchebag, you should treat your younger daughter the same way because she chose to live with him. Jesus christ, she's 14!! When you were 14, would you have lived in the house with no rules, or the house with the bipolar witch? Exactly. Yeah, she has to watch Mikey a lot, but good grief, she doesn't have to put up with the shit that you sling at her on a daily basis. Oh, and FYI, if you want to use me moving back to Utah as a way to convince her to move there, I'll help you - but she'll be living with me. Because you did nothing but bitch at her for stupid shit the ENTIRE TIME she was visiting over christmas. Who the fuck gives a 14 year old an 8 pm bedtime on WINTER VACATION? And your blind defense of Mikey? Yeah, I know he has cerebral palsy. Yes, that sucks. But he knows when he's doing something he's not supposed to, and I'm not going to be nice to him when he's trying to break my kids' christmas toys. And for gods' sake, move the fuck out of your parents' house. You know grandma's allergic to cats and cigarette smoke, but you brought your cat and smoke right outside the doors; you know grandpa needs taking care of, but you refuse to CLEAN YOUR OWN ROOM or CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR OWN FUCKING CAT and make grandma do it; you're a goddamn grown ass woman, why don't you act like it??
--Fuck you, Dad, for making my sister think that if she moves out of your house that you won't love her anymore and you'll never talk to her again. You're just as much of a manipulative, controlling asshat as Mom is. Oh, and your total balls to go after child support when you QUIT YOUR JOB so you didn't have to pay HER any after you guys got divorced? Just ... wow. I'm going to convince Shaunna to live with me so you not only lose your "every weekend while I go get drunk at Packer games" babysitter, you lose the money you're sponging off my mother.
--Fuck you, Green Bay Police Department whore, for telling me that "as long as the parent thinks it's fine, then it's okay" when I called to ask if it was legal for a 14 year old to watch a 20 year old retarded man for over 14 hours. I'm sorry, if the parent was fucking RESPONSIBLE, said parent wouldn't leave those two alone that long! What's your stance on child abuse? "The kid probably deserved it"? Fucktard.
--Fuck you, parents collectively, for being complete shits and treating your kids like shit. Why don't you both fucking grow up, get real jobs, stop relying on everyone else to commiserate with you and pay your way, and act like goddamn adults? How hard is it? Jesus christ, you assholes have been doing this shit for over 12 fucking years! GROW THE FUCK UP.
--Fuck you, lawyer who actually believed my dad's sob story. You're a dumb broad. Maybe if you'd seen it for the bullshit it is, my mom wouldn't be sponging off my grandparents right now.