All right. Gingerbread houses. Tis the season, I get it, but things randomly showing up in our rooms - does that happen a lot, or only on special occasions? [lol Cooper snuck into Kirk's room to find out about the fun new things wardens got. :c]
And what the hell is this I'm hearing about mistletoe?
Right. 'Santa.' What is this bullshit?
Fine, fine. Jake needs a new pair of hockey skates. And a baseball; I promised I'd teach him how to catch. [Brood. Brood brood quiet, brief pause for brooding.] Get it signed by the Yankees or something while you're at it. Maybe the fucking Easter Bunny can deliver it.
Get Tess that Barbie? Whatever princess thing is big, lately. No, scratch that, get her a real doll, dollhouse sized. Nothing creepy looking, like those old ones. Something, I don't know. Princess themed. She's got a thing for those.
Since money's no object, how about a new car for Michelle. And that necklace she was looking at in October. I know she wanted it.
And I want Moses' head on a platter to go home world fucking peace.
Fucking ship.