today was fun as hell

May 10, 2005 02:06

well last night i slept at flex's house, I woke up and went to the pocket park with him. Basketball then football, then i went to my hosue showered and shit then went to kateys for her bbq. it was a really nice thing she did cuz her and megan went to price chopper and spent like 40 bucks just on food to cook for peopel to get all the friends together, it was a thoughtful thign to do....seeing as noone else ever does shti liek that. so yea at first it was just katey megan and me and we though noone else was gonna show. so katey called darryl, then he came. then jess and samba came. and we were all hangin otu havina fun time talkin and shit, and sum1 mentioned to call rakeem and have him come and right as they said they he pulled in the driveway. it was rakeem koo and amy. so a little while later flex came down too. we all sat outside and had a lot of fun. I kno i don't really kno all of kateys friends that much besides megan and flex but i enjoy hanging out with them, none of them were stuck up, they dont bitch and moan about anythign and there just fun to be around. so megan left to go liek to the hospital or sumthin i guess her cousin was havin a baby or sumthin along thoise lines.... and there was some concert at saint rose so everyone else went to it but me and katey decided to spend the night in and just hang out. so we did and i was gonna sleep over but i decided not to cuz i have to go to my grandfathers tomarrow very early to help him. so yea today wa sreally fun thanks to everyone for comin and shit it really did mean alot to katey cuz she was so intent on giving everyone a good time, and in my opinion it was a great time. its fucking two in the morning and im tired... gnite
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