[OOC] Application

Jan 17, 2010 14:29

NAME: Simone
AGE: 20
PRONOUN OF CHOICE: Nooo preference~
EMAIL ADDRESS: simmichan@gmail.com
OTHER CHARACTERS: Terrance Ward (knowyourfears)

NAME: Chris Miles
AGE: 18
ROLE: Headache Student

BACKGROUND: Chris' life is like a a catalogue of unfortunate events. Maybe not amazingly tragic by comic book standards, but it certainly sucks.

He grew up in Bristol, despite inexplicably having an accent that doesn't come from the west country at all, part of a pretty normal family. Mum, dad. Older brother, Peter. He never managed to live up to the example set by his brother, already finding his niche as a bit of a joke(r) pretty much as soon as he was old enough to start attempting social interactions. But it was okay, because he had his brother and he had his family and everything was great.

When he was eight, Chris' brother died of a subarachnoid hemorrhage (a hereditary risk, apparently) and his home life started to fall apart. His mother began to unravel at the seams and never quite got over it and his father left them, deeming his mother a waste of space and Chris to be just like her. Only becoming more staunch in this assessment as the years went on and he began to see his son less and less, until the frequency of his visits dropped to almost never. It was around this time that Chris' powers started to manifest too. Not strongly. He rarely, if ever, passed on the entire force of his feelings, just enough to make himself feel better. Obviously, since the effect was marginal at best, it never really seemed like a big deal. All he knew was being around people helped.

Life was. Pretty much normal for a long while after this. As normal as it can be when people seem to share your bad moods (and some of the good ones) for no reason that you can decipher, anyhow. He picked up smoking in secondary school, much to his mother's disappointment. Though she wasn't nearly as disappointed at that as she was when he started to take to drinking, drugs and wild parties. It was easier for him to go that route than to try and fail and be the epitome of an upstanding, young man. That would've been Peter's job anyway, not his.

It was in college that things started to take a turn for the worst again. Some time into his first year, his mum took off with no warning, the combination of her diminished mental state and knowing Chris could develop the same condition at any time as his brother did being too much for her. Chris never found out any of this, of course. All he got was a note saying she'd be gone a few days and a grand to tide him over. Which he promptly spent on a party, only to realise she wasn't coming back (and that he was utterly fucked) the next morning. He sold some of his stuff for money to tide him over (and more drugs) only to get kicked out of his own house by a hobo the day after that. With some moral support from a friend (read: getting pushed reluctantly) he went to his dad for help. His father - or rather his father's wife, since that's who he spoke to - was completely oblivious to his mother leaving and Chris willingly left them in the dark. Deciding fairly quickly that he'd been right and it was pointless going there, as his father wanted nought to do with him.

With the combination of a little love from his friends and a teacher (who he was totally not crushing on and actively persuing, and she most assuredly did not return any of those feelings) he managed to get back on his feet. Managing to salvage some of his stuff from the house and get put up in college housing. It was a little while after this he became aware of his powers, after accidentally unloading his all of his anger on a poor girl in a club. It didn't take long to put two and two together (y'know, after the high wore off and he fought with his hangover the next morning) but he kept it all to himself, not being the type to willingly share his problems, he decided it best to just try and keep it under control on his own, so as not to accidentally pass on any adverse feelings to anyone by accident again.

Also, when I mentioned his teacher totally not having feelings for him, it was a lie. Her being one of the few things in his life he's dared not to give up on. They did start a brief affair, but quickly enough, her old flame returned to pick up where they left off and messed things up between her and Chris. Though, it doesn't matter a huge deal in the grand scheme of things, as she was unwilling to continue a relationship with either of them in the end and left to sort her head out. He was pretty heartbroken when she never returned, but being Chris, he took it in his stride and got on with life.

In all honesty, he never considered learning to do anything with his powers until Maxxie mentioned, and eventually left for, the Xavier Institute. The idea stuck with him after first hearing about it and after a while he decided, fuck it. Why not? He was on the verge of getting kicked out of college anyway. May as well give something else a try. Besides, he totally couldn't let Maxxie run off to another country without one of them to get on his nerves make sure he's doing all right. So he packed his bags and took off not too long after, not giving much explanation other than needing a change of pace. They probably figured it out fairly easily, but the hell did he care. He was off to America~~~~

PERSONALITY: Chris is... A mess.

Well, no. Let's go from the start.

Chris, more than anything, is a guy who likes to have a good time. Which is all fine and dandy until you realise that his definition of "a good time," is generally lots of sex, drugs, alcohol, loud music and possibly getting into a fight. (The fights aren't generally part of the fun, mind, it's just a common hazard of his lifestyle.) He's the type of fellow who'll snort anything, drink anything, and generally do most things that aren't advisable for your health in any way, shape or form. (Including eating 268 apples in one sitting to try and beat a world record.)

He's someone who's easy to simply brush off as a gormless idiot. Certainly, he doesn't do much to try and change this image, he's long since given up on trying to prove that he can be smart or worthwhile, or. Well. Trying in general. More often than not, he'll simply say "fuck it" to the things he thinks he can't achieve or that he can't have and move on with his life. That ability to roll with the punches could be taken for an admirable one if not for the fact that it generally means that he never puts himself out there. Never tries to do anything with his life except being part of the most wild party that week.

Deep down, he has a lot of drive. He's just got no aim and no focus. When he wants something - really wants it - he'll go to great lengths to have it. But he's easily discouraged in this respect, too, often taking his failings as a sign of why he shouldn't try these things in the first place.

Chris is an oddly closed off person, considering what a welcoming and warm personality he has. Whilst he's certainly all smiles and laughter and one of the first to want to turn a frown upside down, it's incredibly difficult to get to know him beyond that. He doesn't talk about his life or his problems out of a desperate want to keep this image afloat. Not that he'd really know how to communicate his problems if he wanted to. It's arguable that he's worried on some level that people will leave him behind like his family did if they get to know him beyond the smiles and the parties. Not that he'd know himself, it's not something he's ever thought about. In that vein, he's fairly distant, even with his closest friends. He considers himself to be alone in the world, largely in part due to the fact that he doesn't let himself open up and get close to all that many people.

APPEARANCE: Chris isn't the tallest of dudes, he stands around 5'7. HE MAKES UP FOR IT IN PERSONALITY? He's got a... let's say a medium frame, and quite clearly works out. Not so much that he's bulky, but enough that he's got a nice bit of muscle on him. He keeps his brown hair cut relatively short and his face is... incredibly expressive. He has a smile that makes him look like the happiest person in the world, but when he's down it's very hard for him to hide, somehow managing to look like someone kicked his fish into a frying pan even when he's laughing.

Chris can pass his emotions on through touch. Skin-to-skin contact, in fact. As it is, he's only able to pass on when he's feeling a bit down willingly, since sadness is really the only emotion he's ever consciously put a lot of thought in to wanting to get rid of. (He's a "let the good times roll," kind of fellow, after all.) He's passed his good moods off to strangers once or twice before, that kinda sucked. What also sucks is passing your temper on to the other guy as soon as you punch him in the face. Kinda makes it hard to keep up your side of the fight.

With enough work and effort (read: if anyone is able to kick his ass into gear) he could, maybe, if he doesn't completely fail at it, be able to alter moods via touch without having to give up his own. BUT WE SHALL SEE IF HE EVER GETS THAT FAR.

ANYTHING ELSE?: HE WILL PROBABLY TRY TO BRING DRUGS TO THE INSTITUTE WITH HIM. Someone may want to do something about that. He also would like to bring his goldfish with him. The fish is drug-free, promise.

First-person sample:All right lads. Ladies. I've been thinking long and hard about this and it's come to my attention, that you guys don't know how to have a good time here.

Now we won't hold that against you, but. I think it's time to show you how we do things back home.

Date and location to come in all due time, people. I just need a headcount for now.

Consider it anthropology or something.

Third-person sample:The rush of a good party was what he lived for.

There was nothing like the way his body buzzed and hummed with the thumping of the bass. The way he could let his body take over and do what it wanted wanted while he enjoyed the pleasant numbness of the E and the beers and whatever else he'd necked that night. He lost track of the pills after a while, but he never overdosed, not once. He was fucking lucky in that respect and he knew it, but in some ways he figured he deserved that little bit of luck. God knows he didn't have much luck left when it came to anything else.

So he'd enjoy the pills and the booze and the sex, and he'd share it with his friends and his fish and even strangers. Because he knew well enough by now that if you didn't grab life by the bollocks and say, "I'm having a good night, and you're not stopping me." Then there were no good times out there to be had. Because the only freebies life knew how to hand out were pain and loss and heartbreak, and Chris was sick of that. Even when he had no idea how he'd gotten to this house from the club, or whose house it even was. Because this night was his night. Every night was his night. And as long as he could keep this cycle going, he would. It didn't matter if he got arrested the next morning or if his friends were fucked off because he pissed on their computer. When you live in the future, you end up without a past, and Chris was nothing if not a man who was not pleased with the idea of stagnating.

So let the good times roll. 'Cause fuck knows he'd need 'em to look back on when they were gone.

!ooc, @xi_rpg, *application

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