(no subject)

Dec 03, 2013 16:41


So, I had to drop out of merlin_sexstars at the last minute (sorry kitty_fic!) just because I was so wiped out after finishing my submission for merlin_holidays. I was talking to others about this already, but I think I need to pull from fests because they're starting to feel more like a chore than something fun. So once I'm done with merlinreversebb and the work for bunnysworld for dragonbigbang, I think that's going to be it for awhile. Either I'll do stuff on my own, or on the KMM. I don't know, I just need a break to actually enjoy the stuff that comes out of these fests. I haven't even taken a crack at paperlegends yet, jebus.

In case you aren't like me and are looking for fun fests, first off:

Banner by fuckyeah
Come celebrate the Holidays with us Merlin style at camelot_drabble An anon exchange fest of Christmas gifts - drabbles, drawbles, or any fanwork that tickles your fancy! Hoping to see you there!

This is great if you didn't have a chance to sign up for merlin_holidays and/or want a fun, laidback fest to participate in.

Also, merlin_writers are gathering prompts for their monthly theme fest. This month is understandably holidays, so go leave your prompt(s) here! So tempting, but I must be goooood.

Finally, three quick recs! One oldie and two more recent ones!:
- Natural Occurrences in Order of Need to Live by writing2death (Arthur/Merlin; PG-13)
Summary: Arthur has a list in his head of Reasons Why He Loves Merlin. There are currently 327 reasons on that list and they include things like, “He looks slightly deranged when he smiles” and “He buys me little plastic knights to go with my collection” and “He once brought home a stray cat and tried to hide it in his room without me finding out”.
Someone was asking about this on merlin_finders and the summary intrigued me. This was just so damn adorable and sweet, I think I got cavities. But the thing is, not does it have pining!Arthur (!!!) and oblivious!Merlin (!!!!!), it keeps them wonderfully in-character without crossing the line into too schmoopy or fluffy.

- Ancient Methods of Roasting Chickens by fleete (Arthur/Gwen/Merlin/Morgana; PG-13)
Summary: The four of them do not often turn up in the same place in the same life, but now that they have, they are determined to make it work.

Now they just have to get Gwen to remember who they are.
claudine rec'd this and just from the summary alone I was screaming for joy. MY OT4! TAT And this is just amazing; from the description of their past lives and how they're coping together now, it's an absolute beautiful piece. There's Arthur, lovable Arthur who has so much faith in everyone even after everything they've gone through, Morgana who is trying to repent for everything, Merlin who constantly seems afraid it's going to blow up on them, and dear sweet Gwen who is the unknowing party mixed into all of it. Excuse me as I sigh wistfully at the warm, fluffy feelings this fic gives me.

- Hold On To What We Are by anon (Arthur/Merlin; NC-17)
Summary: The world as they know it is gone, but Merlin and Arthur have each other and maybe that’s all they need. (Basically The Walking Dead Celebrates Christmas :))
I know what you're (probably) thinking: "Zombies? Christmas? Wut?" But it works, damn does it work. First of all, I'm not going to lie and say there weren't parts where my heart was in my throat. The zombies play a serious part, and while there's no true gore that's in most zombie media, they are terrifying. But they aren't the main focus. Instead, the story is how two people are thrust together in a crazy, messed up world. While they might originally be together just to survive, it soon becomes clear that their relationship is more than that, but it is never shoved in your face. How they care for each other is subtle and carefully crafted in simple yet poignant scenes, be it washing each other or celebrating Christmas the best way they can in the aftermath of humanity. My words really can't do it justice (I had to leave a kudos then come back later to leave a comment because I was so blown away), so I can't recommend it enough.

rec: fanfiction, fandom: merlin

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