I Don't Get It

Aug 04, 2022 19:48

A jury ordered Infowars host Alex Jones must pay $4.1 million to 2 Sandy Hook parents -
far less than the $150 million the plaintiff's attorneys requested

I don't get it. Why is the CIA/FBI deep state who organized the MK Ultra false flag being investigated and charged to pay?
It's not like Info Wars is guilty of the crime. They are only pointing to the truth that Americans don't seem to face.

Gun control. And government hypocrisy.

WAIT !! Does this mean he can now present evidence in court...

[Spoiler (click to open)]‘You mean like what Epstein did with the Clintons’

LOL -- go Alex !! the evidence can now be presented in court to the people, if the corrupt media actually reports on it... yes!!


So, it's OK for MSNBC and CNN (Communist News Network) to lie about current events and cover up deep state crime for money.
But for independent journalists to speak truth to power, is somehow criminal? Because they are hurting the feelings
of the victims? Meanwhile the real criminals walk away from prosecution. Sick. So sad that Info Wars supporters weren't
shooting at CIA and FBI offices instead of the victims.


conspiracy theory, death cab for cutie

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