Confronting the Shitsnake Lord Jacob Rothschild

Jun 30, 2022 13:31

New World Order Global Reset And Their Slippery Shit Snakes

Honorary president of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research, what role does he play?

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Jacob Rothschild has played a prominent part in Arts philanthropy in Britain.
Why are you picking on the old man, go for the head of the snakes.
Jacob is the friendly emissary front man for the fold.
David Jr the environmentalist drop out.
Follow the money, find the ties that bind them to the interest profits from the world bank.
Are they connected with Black Rock?
BlackRock is the world's largest asset manager, with US$10 trillion in assets under management as of January 2022.

Money Veins Among the Rothschild Shit Snakes Mostly Control France and English Holdings Slither into San Paolo & Rio

Blame it on Rio, Rio de Janeiro President Costa e Silva Rio-Niteroi Bridge, sixth longest in the world, crosses Guanabara Bay

In many ways they pretend to be us and pretend to care, but only at a reward that makes them wealthy.
That's the name of their game $ Money $.

Ripe Fruit : .[Spoiler (click to open)](poem)

When all the Rothschild sithsnakes are left dangling from the trees, hanging,
Their baron branches creeping squeezing strangling the dark shadows of foreboding,
And their royal shedding snakeskin carcasses left dangling, like foreboding foreskins
ever foreshortening blind iniquity, to the last drop of poisoned bloodline penetrates the dirt
and we witness the end of their royal families who have only served to deplete our poor humanity
meet their true inheritances blown to the winds in all directions, to the ends of the earth
let go the suffocating frip on human civilizations to shrivel away into eternal suffering
then the piper will adjoin them in a dirge to send them to oblivion, the pits of hell
from whence they came, those serpents of eden, who cracked the cosmic egg, release
the demons! from the portals of CERN from the bowels of Hades, that pit of shitsnakes
from Satan's excrement.. blood money veins of those glorious estates! ~psp

This is not just Communism, as the Marxists would want, which is its own top down puppet control system, but capitalist monopoly,
a building of wealth through Empire and corporate hegemony. We are a captured species. Damned if we do and damned if we don't.
Nobody wants communism, it's just a smokescreen (collective excuse) to own everything by a handful of wealthy elites who
pull the strings. You are the puppets and they are the masters. Constantly master-baiting the game to fuck you over royally.

1: Rothschilds and the First World War
The First World War and its aftermath changed the world forever. The Rothschild family, who through their businesses and marriages had helped to create 'modern' Europe were deeply affected by the crisis facing the world.

Like royalty, the Rothschilds were forced to abjure family solidarity and to give their loyalty to the countries of their adoption (England, France, Austria and Germany). The family branches in London, Paris, Vienna and Frankfurt did what they could to support the war effort.

2: Business as usual during the war
It was vital that the world of commerce and business should continue. In August 1914, the Chancellor Lloyd George sent for the Senior Partner of N M Rothschild & Sons, 'Natty' 1st Lord Rothschild (1840-1915) to discuss what measures should be adopted to keep the currency steady in the time of conflict.

3: The Jewish War Services Committee
In 1914, a patriotic fervour swept the nation, and the Rothschilds were not alone in embracing the typical ‘mood’ of 1914.

Lionel Nathan de Rothschild (1882-1942) was reluctantly persuaded, by no less than the King himself, that he would serve his country best if he remained at the heart of New Court, Jewish War Services Committee in The Rothschild Archive London. He put himself to the tasks of managing the business and placing his considerable resources behind the war effort.

4: Rothschilds on active service
Three of the sons of Leopold de Rothschild (1845-1917) were officers in the Bucks Yeomanry. Lionel Nathan de Rothschild (1882-1942), the eldest, reluctantly remained at New Court where he was of great value to his country managing the business and organising the recruitment and provison of assistance to the troops.

Leopold's youngest son, Anthony Gustav (1887-1961) served with distinction, was wounded at Gallipoli and ended the war as a major with the General Staff. His second son, Evelyn Achille (1886-1917) paid the ultimate sacrifice. He saw early action on the Western Front and was invalided back home. Within months, he was back in the trenches, and was mentioned in despatches. Tragically, in November 1917 Evelyn died from wounds sustained in a cavalry charge at El Mughar.

On the continent, in France, James de Rothschild (1878-1957), one of Baron Edmond's sons managed to enlist successively in three armies: the French, the Canadian and finally the British. In Paris, the doctor of medicine, Baron Henri de Rothschild (1872-1947) designed and built ambulances and took them to the front. In Austria, Baron Albert's son, Eugene (1878-1976), had a leg shattered on the Russian front.

6: The home front
Even for those far from the front, the experience of war was terrifying.

Londoners lived in fear of German air raids. At the insistence of Alfred de Rothschild (1842-1918), the Dividend Office gallery at New Court was packed with sandbags to protect the Bullion Room below, and an air raid shelter was built in the corner of the Drawn Bond Department. The Royal Mint Refinery, owned and run by the Rothschilds since 1852, was converted to munitions production, and a special system designed to relay air raid warnings to New Court.

The Rothschilds, along with many others, subscribed to charities and organisations sending parcels of food and luxuries to troops at the front.

7: Halton House at War
On the outbreak of hostilities, Alfred de Rothschild offered the parklands of his glorious estate at Halton, Bucks to the Army. The excellent communication links at Halton made it an ideal place for billeting large numbers of men, and within a few months, the 21st Yorkshire Division were billeted at Halton, the first of many units to pass through its gates. Natty, 1st Lord Rothschild offered his park at Tring for a training camp, and at Aston Clinton, the unoccupied house was volunteered as a headquarters.

In 1917, Alfred learned that the allies were short of pit props for the trenches, and offered the trees at Halton, and many trees were carried away.

Rothschild Timeline Chronology c.1450 to the present day : which means nothing...
. (poem)

Eythrope Pavilion, the home of Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild

*Of specific Russian interest : In 2003, it was reported that Russian oil industrialist Mikhail Khodorkovsky's
shares in YUKOS passed to Rothschild under a deal which they had concluded prior to Khodorkovsky's arrest.

dr. π (pi)

new world order, poetry, money, rothschilds, global reset

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