War Criminal Visits Canada

May 31, 2022 16:57

Ukraine Refugees - Arrived in Canada by land 6,740 / Arrived in Canada by air 28,715

Why are Ukrainians running away from their own country? Because they are being shot by Zelensky Azov nazi forces?

Applications received 259,014 / Applications approved 120,668

After helping to destroy Ukraine, Zelensky seeks asylum into Canada.

Meanwhile Russia bans Communist Canada Crime Minister Trudeau, sleepy Joe and others from entering Russia

Zelensky pleads his losing case to the world...

The [DS] is in trouble, Zelensky is now making the rounds and visiting countries, which means they already lost.
Putin just seized the [DS] assets in Ukraine and barred them from entering. Trump puts out a statement that
their crimes are going to be finally revealed. What we are witnessing is the destruction of the old guard.
16,000 Russo-Ukrainians murdered in Donbas and Crimea by Ukraine Azov nazi forces since 2014.

See : Ep. 2726b - Did Putin Just Seize The [DS] Assets?
The [DS] Treasonous Crimes Are About To Be Revealed - x22report

Putin has their assets in a sling!

dr. π (pi)

fuck deep state, american breakdown, war, russia, canada

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