Discrimination and Discernment, What's the Difference?

Jun 12, 2020 19:42

If you want cops in Pride, you’re missing the next individualist revolution -
Why Black Canadians are essential to the reclamation of Pride

"Far too many Canadians feel fear and anxiety at the sight of a law enforcement officer," Trudeau told reporters in Ottawa.

"It is something that needs to end, and it's something we're working on," he said.

In Canada, local police officers shot and killed Chantel Moore, 26, when they went to her home on Thursday to conduct a wellness check-in the Atlantic province of New Brunswick.

In a separate incident, a video shared on social media showed a Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer driving into an indigenous man, appearing to purposely use a car door to knock the man down before arresting him. The officer is now facing an independent criminal investigation.

When marginalized groups gather, they are systematically targeted by law enforcement whose agenda it is to uphold the safety and comfort of privileged people over the lives of the oppressed. Black people in ghettoized neighbourhoods, homeless and street-involved people in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver, immigrants in poor communities, queer and trans people in bathhouses and gay bars. Police scrutinize, racially profile and over-criminalize certain people based on stereotypes about marginalized communities and the supposed threat they pose to the white and wealthy.

Indigenous leaders expressed outrage and a lack of surprise at the incidents.

"Racism is here and has been for more than 200 years," Grand Council chief Glen Hare of the Anishinabek Nation, a political organisation representing 39 First Nations in Ontario : https://www.dailyxtra.com/if-you-want-cops-in-pride-youre-missing-the-next-queer-revolution-76054

Trudeau may have felt the sting of law enforcement recently being that his Trudeau Foundation is under investigation for money laundering in collusion with Open Societies George Soros and Hilary Clinton of the corrupt Clinton Foundation. A Toronto couple involved in the scam was found dead in their apartment a couple years hence.

The justice system under the British Royal RCMP crown police, paid judges and politicians is ripe with pedophilia, human and drug trafficking and money laundering. Who will bring them to justice? The Queen of England has been dethroned! Look it up. While in Gay Pride community, any old *queen will do.. *(all apologies to king and country)


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dr. π (pi)

Where cops go, trouble follows...

; '

top secret, gay pride, undercover, deep state, black lives, covid

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