Pfizer Former VP Reveals Weaponized Covid Secrets

Oct 27, 2021 19:13

From Russia With Love

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[Spoiler (click to open)]Pfizer Former VP Reveals Secrets

Dr. Michael Yeedon says that people have lost the instinct of self-preservation and understanding of what is happening

The name of the German doctor Michael Yeadon , who lives in the UK, is mentioned in many publications on the topic of the "COVID-19 pandemic". Including in my article "Who is the most dangerous for the organizers of the Great Pandemic." He is a former Chief Scientist and Vice President of Pfizer's UK Research . John La Mattina , the former president of Pfizer Global Research and Development , who knew Yidon well, gives him the following characterization: "His group was very successful and created a number of compounds that went into early clinical development . "

Since last spring, Michael Yeedon has become a critic of the actions that are being taken in many countries in connection with the so-called pandemic. Since Yidon has been in the BigPharma camp for a long time , he knows some secrets that even qualified doctors may not know. In the summer, an hour-long video of Michael Yeedon's talk-lecture appeared on the Internet , entitled Wir stehen an den Pforten der Hölle. Ex-Vizepräsident von Pfizer packt aus. (We stand at the gates of hell. Former Pfizer vice president reveals secrets). In his findings, Michael Yeedon goes far beyond medicine.

The views of the nature of the coronavirus, formed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the medical departments of the overwhelming number of countries, according to Yidon, are distorted, and often erroneous. However, the doctor believes that it is difficult to call it mistakes, it is more like a lie, reinforced by the media. The opinion is imposed that natural human immunity is not enough to overcome a viral infection, that immunity must be strengthened with the help of vaccines that generate antibodies in the human body. This is a gold mine for Big Pharma.

Michael Yeedon bluntly calls the entire COVID-19 pandemic campaign a conspiracy against humanity. The doctor draws attention to the political side of the issue: the authorities of the overwhelming number of countries have found themselves under the control of the global elite and meekly execute all commands transmitted through the WHO.

As a medical professional, Yidon draws attention to the lies about the so-called strains. Strains are modifications of the coronavirus resulting from its mutations. They are labeled with the letters "alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta". Experts say that their number is measured in several thousand (Yidon calls the figure 4 thousand). Many modifications are still "sleeping", not showing themselves in any way. Active vaccination of the population can lead to the awakening of these "dormant" species. Vaccination can increase specific immunity (which is expressed in the growth of antibodies), but lower overall (natural) immunity. Having launched mass vaccination, the WHO and the authorities of many countries are entering an unequal fight against the invisible world of viruses, but someone believes that it is possible to fight off new strains with new (booster) vaccinations. For Big Pharmathese are orders for the development and production of new vaccine products.

Michael Yeedon says that according to Big Pharma and the "pandemic" organizers behind it, there will be many "pandemics" to come. Each next one will be associated with the emergence of a new strain. As a virologist, Michael Yedon argues that the differences between the strains are minimal and not fundamental: “The most different variant is only 0.3% different from the original sequence (the one that was recorded in the virus from Wuhan in January 2020. - V.K. ) ... And here is another way of saying the same thing: "all options are not less than 99.7% identical to each other" " .

Michael Yeedon is one of the world's leading virus specialists, but he can be wrong too. He says that his position is not original in the assessment of coronavirus strains: "I discussed this with several professors of immunology, and they agreed with me . " He cites American virologists such as Alison Tarke and Shane Crotty . These specialists (and a number of other physicians) published an article in a reputable medical journal, Negligible impact of SARS-CoV-2 variants on CD4 + and CD8 + T cell reactivity in COVID-19 exposed donors and vaccinees(Minor effect of SARS-CoV-2 variants on CD4 + and CD8 + T lymphocyte reactivity in donors and vaccinated with COVID-19). The position of Michael Yeedon completely coincides with the position of the authors of this article.

Yidong sharpens the question and says that even if the new strains had a genetic sequence that differed from the original Wuhan virus by 3 or even 30 percent, human natural immunity could well cope with these new modifications: “So, I say that even if there was if there are 100 times more variations than there actually were, I would still make a big bet that the human immune system will not be fooled by the fact that these are supposedly new pathogens . "

So that no one can avoid receiving another "additional" injection, all countries are recommended through the WHO to introduce "vaccine passports". Since October 15, such passports have already become mandatory in Italy . Speaking of "vaccine passports," Michael Yeedon again goes beyond the medical field. He believes that over time they will turn into a means of comprehensive (not only medical) control over a person. In particular, a person's access to funds in a bank account will depend not only on his fulfillment of all vaccination requirements, but also on his behavior, loyalty to the authorities, etc. All this will be recorded in a “passport” and a centralized database. Dr. Yidon has a special video on the topic of "vaccination passports" Vaccine Passports: One Passport to Rule Them All .

Now let's compare what Michael Yeedon says with what is happening in the world. All leading Big Pharma corporations have joined in the "development" and establishment of production of "additional" drugs, which are already injected somewhere under the guise of "booster" vaccines . "New product" arrives at vaccination sites without any pharmaceutical regulatory approvals, straight from the wheels. A striking example is Israel .

Yidon considers this pseudo-medical demagogy to be a new eugenics : “Eugenics have taken over the levers of power, and this is a really clever way of getting you to queue up and get some weird thing that will harm you. I have no idea what it will actually be, but it will not be a vaccine…. And it will not kill you instantly, it will happen imperceptibly . "

Today, says Yidon, people do not need scientific arguments, but something else: “... we need philosophers, people who understand logic, religion, something like that ... they need to start speaking in a language that people will understand. Because if we leave this to scientists, then people like me, even in spite of my good intentions, will turn out to be speaking a different language for most people ... "

PS I still do not understand who and what to believe, who is right and who is deliberately distorting the facts, so in my blog I try to present different points of view on this problem. Let everyone decide for himself, I think they won't let us know the truth ...

Michael Yeedon says that according to Big Pharma and the "pandemic" organizers behind it, there will be many "pandemics" to come. Each next one will be associated with the emergence of a new strain. As a virologist, Michael Yedon argues that the differences between the strains are minimal and not fundamental: “The most different variant is only 0.3% different from the original sequence (the one that was recorded in the virus from Wuhan in January 2020. - V.K. ) ... And here is another way of saying the same thing: "all options are not less than 99.7% identical to each other" " .

Michael Yeedon is one of the world's leading virus specialists, but he can be wrong too. He says that his position is not original in the assessment of coronavirus strains: "I discussed this with several professors of immunology, and they agreed with me . " He cites American virologists such as Alison Tarke and Shane Crotty . These specialists (and a number of other physicians) published an article in a reputable medical journal, Negligible impact of SARS-CoV-2 variants on CD4 + and CD8 + T cell reactivity in COVID-19 exposed donors and vaccinees(Minor effect of SARS-CoV-2 variants on CD4 + and CD8 + T lymphocyte reactivity in donors and vaccinated with COVID-19).

As a medical professional, Yidon draws attention to the lies about the so-called strains. Strains are modifications of the coronavirus resulting from its mutations. They are labeled with the letters "alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta". Experts say that their number is measured in several thousand (Yidon calls the figure 4 thousand). Many modifications are still "sleeping", not showing themselves in any way. Active vaccination of the population can lead to the awakening of these "dormant" species.

dr. π (pi)

depopulate, deadly virus, from russia with love, death cab for cutie, end of the world, covid, vaccines

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