CVS Pharmacy Pays $6,500/WK To Euthanize People - Intentionally Blank!

Jun 17, 2021 08:34

Former Pharmacist Blows the Lid Off What is Really Going On With Vaccines

CVS - Online Drugstore, Pharmacy, Prescriptions & Health Information

Pharmacist Tells Vaccine Horror Stories.

Listen to this very important video. I pray those who need to, will see it.

Vaccines have no ingredients on information or packaging. Intentionally Blank.

The plandemic is being used to separate and destroy families, target ethnicity, employment groups.

My daughter a nurse and all of her family have been vaccinated. I am just sick about it.
We could lose whole families. My brothers family too and he has a RN for a daughter and they
have vaxed too. We live in a crazy world. You're right, they won't listen. Thank you for jeopardizing
your job for speaking truth to this. Welcome to the zombie apocalypse. Stand up to the insanity!

Click to watch: Pharmacist Tells Vaccine Horror Stories

Explains instances of life threatening mRNA vaccine side effects and viral shedding.
How big pharma are forcing poison into our systems. Maybe it's too late.
Collecting ethnicity on vaccine administration?
Personal life story of grandchild.

Why the Push to Vaccinate People With Natural Immunity?
Public health insiders increasingly are calling out the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
over the “insanity” of pushing untested COVID vaccines on people who have already acquired natural immunity.

Reducing world population by 1 billion less 'stupid people'.

You're right! Your rights! Stupid people won't listen.

Make no mistake. This is by a bio-weapon.

dr. π (pi)

conspiracy theory, death cab for cutie, covid

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