Next Instalment Rant on Nat

Mar 10, 2017 18:21

Originally posted by pigshitpoet at Next Instalment Rant on NatThis is the kind of shit I've got to come home to...

Everything but the kitchen sink

The Kitchen & The Toilet Where It Eats and Shits...

Fucking Nat (poem)

Ran outside because I saw yellow dog
Trying to escape, he was just another slob
And his mama screaming’ “How come you ain’t got a job!”
But I know now that they don’t give a damn
Cause he’s already a 32 year old man.
And his mama can’t get him to do nuthin’
He can cook up a mess, but he won’t clean up the kitchen
I’m getting pretty tired of complaining and bitchin’
What am I gonna do with that dawg, kick him?
Kick him down the street, kick out his teeth
Bang his head against the concrete
Drag his sorry ass back from the dead
Try to knock some sense into his head?
Just itchin’ for a kickin’ with my finger on the trigger
Y’all is behavin’ like some slob-ass nigga!
I know I gotta watch your punk-ass too
Cause your mother thinks that your ass
…is worth savin’ - it isn’t.
I can't trust the ho and I don't suffer fools
But other than that, everything’s cool ~ psp

The problem is I don't care about you enough to deal with you in a humane fashion.

Time to take action

Option 6: Because I'm More Tidy Than You - The Clorox/Sign Approach (largely for shitheads)
You share a kitchen/bathroom with someone who clutters the sink and plugs up the toilet. It’s alarming. You should puke but you turn and
walk the other way. So you put up a sign, "Not my shit, clean up your own vomit". Get out your helmet, when the shit hits the fan. This may start a war.
Despite the fact that you’re a lion and he’s a warthog, avoid walloping your roommate on the head with a kitchen pan. If someone asks why your room
is so dirty, you immediately point the finger at your roommate. It’s not you. Even if you make a tiny bit of mess, the whole room and its deterioration
is the problem of your roommate. Start looking for a new place to live. You become the Buddha. You stop caring. You are at peace with the dirt, the
slight odour, the flies surrounding the garbage can. You have become the slob.

The calm approach is good for those zen-suffering-is-the-only-road-to-salvation types. It assumes that your concern for a clean environment is
more important than sticking by the principle that the offending party should clean up their own fucking mess. Clean is good. Clean is absolutely necessary.

But cleaning his clock is what you really want to do.

I saved the Nat slob toilet for last to leave you with a lasting impression : What the fuck happened here?


fucking idiot

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