The Trudeau Government of Canada paid out hundreds of millions of tax dollars to big pharma to fund the USDND depopulation bioweapon mRNA jabs.
The Trudeau Foundation funded the development of luciferase, the agent used to deliver the spike protein in the experimental mRNA jabs.
The agent was developed at UBC Vancouver by Acuitas and Arbutus research. Remember Swine flu? Bird flu? HIV AIDS? Now SARS-Covid.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill developed the so called Covid strain of the bioweapon, known as Covid under illegal patent
in conjunction with the biolabs at Wuhan China. A Winnipeg biolab fired scientists who worked 'covertly' with Chinese: CSIS?
43 Biolabs were taken out by Putin in Ukraine funded by global American corporate interests of big pharma through the deep state,
possibly to be used as a bioweapon against Russia by American CIA and/or NATO.
Mass media pushed the false propaganda narrative that this experimental fear porn was necessary using false PCR tests.
Ever time someone gets jabbed, someone in Canada gets royalties from murder genocide of the human population. Let that sink in...
Millions will die or suffer from exacerbated comorbidities from the mRNA so called vaccine, not a vax, but a bioweapon.
Forced lockdowns caused psychological damage, social restriction, economic collapse, vax injury, sudden deaths and hyper-inflation.
Heart failure, blood clots, stroke, paralysis, turbocancer, neurological damage, and the all encompassing "unknown causes". etc.
Gimme my money. I want my money. Not my government. Not my tax money. Give us back our money.
Who are these mass murderers?
It's enough to give anyone turbo cancer..
dr. π (pi)