Treason and Crimes Against Humanity

Oct 21, 2023 22:57

Via :

The following 741 individuals all actively and knowingly conspire in well-planned efforts and constructions to consolidate power and resources - with the intention to establish a world government which would provide them with full immunity from any form of prosecution regarding their past and future crimes - and are therefore, according to Round-op Alpha, collectively guilty of crimes against the sovereignty of their respective nations and against humanity as a whole, i.e.:

High-level brigandage: Looting of public wealth; oppressing of populations; attacking the rights to good health, education, personal/national sovereignty and real security; the murdering in name of corporate profits; democide; psychological warfare; (eco-) terrorism - which deliberately jeopardizes any attempts for world peace and causes regional, cultural tensions, armed conflicts, forced poverty and the decay of the public’s health, the public order and society as a whole.

List R-oA2014 : .[Spoiler (click to open)]Criminals Most Likely to Screw You


Ki-moon, Ban /SOUTH KOREA/ PDF
Eliasson, Jan /SWEDEN/ PDF
Malcorra, Susana /ARGENTINA/ PDF
Sajdik, Martin /AUSTRIA - USA/ PDF
Tomka, Peter /SLOVAKIA/ PDF
Sepúlveda-Amor, Bernardo /MEXICO/ PDF
Pachauri, Rajendra K. /INDIA/ PDF
Lee, Hoesung /SOUTH KOREA/ PDF
van Ypersele, Jean-Pascal /BELGIUM/ PDF
El Gizouli, Ismail A.R. /SUDAN/ PDF
Bokova, Irina /BULGARIA/ PDF
da Silva, José Graziano /BRAZIL/ PDF
Aliu, Olumuyiwa Benard /NIGERIA/ PDF
Nwanze, Kanayo F. /NIGERIA/ PDF
Sekimizu, Koji /JAPAN/ PDF
Lagarde, Christine /FRANCE/ PDF
Lipton, David /USA/ PDF
Viñals, José /SPAIN/ PDF
Blanchard, Olivier /FRANCE/ PDF
Touré, Hamadoun /MALI/ PDF
Zhao, Houlin /CHINA/ PDF
Yong, Li /CHINA/ PDF
Chan, Margaret /CHINA/ PDF
Grimes, David /CANADA/ PDF
Moura, Antonio Divino /BRAZIL/ PDF
Ostojski, Mieczyslaw S. /POLAND/ PDF
Mokssit, Abdalah /MOROCCO/ PDF
Zerbo, Lassina /BURKINA FASO/ PDF
Dubourg, Thierry /FRANCE/ PDF
Li, Genxin /CHINA/ PDF
Bell, W. Randy /USA/ PDF
Maryssael, Vorian /MEXICO/ PDF
Rozhkov, Oleg /RUSSIA/ PDF
Ozawa, Toshiro /JAPAN/ PDF
Azeez, Aliyar Lebbe Abdul /SRI LANKA/ PDF
Haak, Hein [1, 2] /THE NETHERLANDS/ PDF
Weston, Michael [1, 2] /UK/ PDF
Amano, Yukiya /JAPAN/ PDF
Dunn Lee, Janice /USA/ PDF
Mohamad, Daud /MALAYSIA/ PDF
Aning, Kwaku /GHANA - USA/ PDF
Varjoranta, Tero /FINLAND/ PDF
Bychkov, Alexander /RUSSIA/ PDF
Flory, Denis /FRANCE/ PDF
Horin, Olexandr [1, 2] /UKRAINE/ PDF
Azevêdo, Roberto /BRAZIL/ PDF
Agah, Yonov Frederick [1, 2] /NIGERIA/ PDF
Brauner, Karl [1, 2] /GERMANY/ PDF
Shark, David [1, 2] /USA/ PDF
Xiaozhun, Yi [1, 2] /CHINA/ PDF
Gore, Al /USA/ PDF
Buffett, Warren [2] /USA/ PDF

Kim, Jim Yong [1, 2] /USA - SOUTH KOREA/ PDF
Indrawati, Sri Mulyani /INDONESIA - USA/ PDF
Badré, Bertrand /FRANCE/ PDF
Mohieldin, Mahmoud /EGYPT/ PDF
Basu, Kaushik [1, 2] /INDIA/ PDF
Leroy, Anne-Marie /FRANCE/ PDF
Kyte, Rachel /USA/ PDF
De Villeroche, Hervé /FRANCE/ PDF
Hines, Gwen /UK/ PDF
Hoven, Ingrid G. /GERMANY/ PDF
Aviel, Sara Margalit [1, 2] /USA/ PDF
Suzuki, Hideaki /JAPAN/ PDF
Chen, Shixin /CHINA/ PDF

Rothensteiner, Walter /AUSTRIA/ PDF
Treichl, Andreas /AUSTRIA/ PDF
Sigurgestsson, Hörður /ICELAND/ PDF
Lundestad, Geir /NORWAY/ PDF
de Oliveira, Manuel Ferreira /PORTUGAL/ PDF
Salgado, Ricardo /PORTUGAL/ PDF
Silva, Artur Santos /PORTUGAL/ PDF
Mazzie, Mark G. /USA/ PDF
McKinnon, Neil /CANADA/ (status unknown) PDF
Sikora, Sławomir /POLAND/ PDF
Bon, Michel /FRANCE/ PDF
Lévy-Lang, André /FRANCE/ PDF
Schrempp, Jürgen Erich /GERMANY/ PDF
Szwajcowski, Jacek /POLAND/ PDF
Barnevik, Percy Nils /SWEDEN/ PDF
Stråberg, Hans /SWEDEN/ PDF
Uǧur, Agah [2] /TURKEY/ PDF
Browne, Edmund John Philip /UK/ PDF
Gerstner, Louis Vincent /USA/ PDF
Bergsten, C. Fred /FRANCE/ PDF
Pipes, Richard Edgar [2] /USA/ PDF
Black, Conrad Moffat /CANADA/ PDF
Frum, David J. /CANADA/ PDF
Beytout, Nicolas /FRANCE/ PDF
Rossella, Carlo /ITALY/ PDF
Ringier, Michael /SWITZERLAND/ PDF
Kohen, Sami [2] /TURKEY/ PDF
Hutton, William Nicolas /UK/ PDF
Knight, Andrew Stephen Bower /UK/ PDF
Stephanopoulos, George Robert /USA/ PDF
Scheel, Walter /GERMANY/ PDF
Eliot, Theodore L. /USA/ PDF
Yost, Casimir A. /USA/ PDF
Allaire, Paul Arthur /USA/ PDF
Rockefeller, Sharon Percy /USA/ PDF
BILDERBERG [2010, 2011, 2012, 2013]

Davignon, Etienne /BELGIUM/ Vice Chairman, Suez-Tractebel PDF
Achleitner, Paul M. /GERMANY/ Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG PDF
Ackermann, Josef /GERMANY/ Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG PDF
Agius, Marcus /UK/ Former Chairman, Barclays Bank PLC PDF
Ajami, Fouad /USA/ Senior Fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University PDF
Alexander, Helen /UK/ Chairman, UBM plc PDF
Alexander, Keith B. /USA/ Commander, USCYBERCOM; Director, National Security Agency PDF
Alierta, César /SPAIN/ Chairman and CEO, Telefónica PDF
Almunia, Joaquín /SPAIN/ Commissioner, European Commission PDF
Altman, Roger C. /USA/ Chairman, Evercore Partners Inc. PDF
Amado, Luís /PORTUGAL/ Chairman, Banco Internacional do Funchal (BANIF) PDF
Andresen, Johan H. /NORWAY/ Owner and CEO, FERD PDF
Apunen, Matti /FINLAND/ Director, Finnish Business and Policy Forum EVA PDF
Arrison, Sonia /USA/ Author and policy analyst PDF
Athey, Susan /USA/ Professor of Economics, Stanford Graduate School of Business PDF
Aydıntaşbaş, Aslı /TURKEY/ Columnist, Milliyet Newspaper PDF
Babacan, Ali /TURKEY/ Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Financial Affairs PDF
Bäckström, Urban /SWEDEN/ Director General, Confederation of Swedish Enterprise PDF
Balls, Edward M. /UK/ Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer PDF
Balsemão, Francisco Pinto /PORTUGAL/ Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister PDF
Barré, Nicolas /FRANCE/ Managing Editor, Les Echos PDF
Barroso, José M. Durão /PORTUGAL/ President, European Commission PDF
Baverez, Nicolas /FRANCE/ Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP PDF
Bavinchove, Olivier de /FRANCE/ Commander, Eurocorps PDF
Bazire, Nicolas /FRANCE/ Managing Director, Groupe Arnault /LVMH PDF
Béchu, Christophe /FRANCE/ Senator, and Chairman, General Council of Maine-et-Loire PDF
Bell, John /UK/ Regius Professor of Medicine, University of Oxford PDF
Berberoğlu, Enis /TURKEY/ Editor-in-Chief, Hürriyet Newspaper PDF
Bernabè, Franco /ITALY/ CEO, Telecom Italia S.p.A. PDF
Bezos, Jeff /USA/ Founder and CEO, PDF
Bildt, Carl /SWEDEN/ Minister of Foreign Affairs PDF
Björling, Ewa /SWEDEN/ Minister for Trade PDF
Blåfield, Antti /FINLAND/ Senior Editorial Writer, Helsingin Sanomat PDF
Boles, Nick /UK/ Member of Parliament PDF
Bolland, Marc J. /THE NETHERLANDS/ Chief Executive, Marks and Spencer Group plc PDF
Bonnier, Jonas /SWEDEN/ President and CEO, Bonnier AB PDF
Borg, Anders /SWEDEN/ Minister for Finance PDF
Botín, Ana P. /SPAIN/ Executive Chairman, Banesto PDF
Boxmeer, Jean François van /THE NETHERLANDS/ Chairman of the Executive Board and CEO, Heineken N.V. PDF
Brabeck-Letmathe, Peter /SWITZERLAND/ Chairman, Nestlé S.A. PDF
Brandtzæg, Svein Richard /NORWAY/ CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA PDF
Bredow, Vendeline von /UK/ Business Correspondent, The Economist PDF
Bronner, Oscar /AUSTRIA/ Publisher and Editor, Der Standard PDF
Çakir, Ruşen /TURKEY/ Journalist PDF
Cameron, David /UK/ Prime Minister PDF
Campbell, Gordon /CANADA/ Premier of British Columbia PDF
Carlsson, Gunilla /SWEDEN/ Minister for International Development Cooperation PDF
Carney, Mark J. /CANADA/ Governor, Bank of Canada PDF
Carvajal Urquijo, Jaime /SPAIN/ Managing Director, Advent International PDF
Castries, Henri de /FRANCE/ Chairman of the Management Board and CEO, AXA PDF
Cebrián, Juan Luis /SPAIN/ CEO, PRISA PDF
Cernko, Willibald /AUSTRIA/ CEO, UniCredit Bank Austria AG PDF
Chalendar, Pierre André de /FRANCE/ Chairman and CEO, Saint-Gobain PDF
Chavannes, Marc E. /THE NETHERLANDS/ Political Columnist, NRC Handelsblad; Professor of Journalism, University of Groningen PDF
Christiansen, Jeppe /DENMARK/ CEO, Maj Invest PDF
Ciliv, Süreyya /TURKEY/ CEO, Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S. PDF
Cisneros, Gustavo A. /SPAIN/ Chairman and CEO, Cisneros Group of Companies PDF
Clark, W. Edmund /CANADA/ President and CEO, TD Bank Financial Group PDF
Clarke, Kenneth /UK/ Member of Parliament, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of Justice PDF
Coene, Luc /BELGIUM/ Governor, National Bank of Belgium PDF
Collins, Timothy C. /USA/ Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC PDF
Conti, Fulvio /ITALY/ CEO and General Manager, Enel SpA PDF
Corydon, Bjarne /DENMARK/ Minister of Finance PDF
Cospedal, María Dolores de /SPAIN/Secretary General, Partido Popular PDF
Cowper-Coles, Sherard /UK/ Business Development Director, International, BAE Systems plc PDF
Cucchiani, Enrico Tommaso /ITALY/ CEO, Intesa Sanpaolo SpA PDF
Daele, Frans van /BELGIUM/ Chief of Staff to the President of the European Council PDF
Daniels, Jr., Mitchell E. /USA/ Governor of Indiana PDF
David, George A. /GREECE/ Chairman, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A. PDF
Davis, Ian /UK/ Chairman, Rolls-Royce plc PDF
DeMuth, Christopher /USA/ Distinguished Fellow, Hudson Institute PDF
Dijkgraaf, Robbert H. /THE NETHERLANDS/ Director and Leon Levy Professor, Institute for Advanced Study PDF
Dinçer, Haluk /TURKEY/ President, Retail and Insurance Group, Sabancı Holding A.S. PDF
Donilon, Thomas E. /USA/ National Security Advisor, The White House PDF
Dudley, Robert /UK/ Group Chief Executive, BP plc PDF
Eberstadt, Nicholas N. /USA/ Henry Wendt Chair in Political Economy, American Enterprise Institute PDF
Eide, Espen Barth /NORWAY/ Minister of Foreign Affairs PDF
Ekholm, Börje /SWEDEN/ President and CEO, Investor AB PDF
Eldrup, Anders /DENMARK/ CEO, DONG Energy PDF
Elkann, John /ITALY/ Chairman, Fiat S.p.A. PDF
Enders, Thomas /GERMANY/ CEO, Airbus SAS PDF
Entrecanales, José Manuel /SPAIN/ Chairman, Acciona PDF
Evans, J. Michael /USA/ Vice Chairman, Global Head of Growth Markets, Goldman Sachs & Co. PDF
Faymann, Werner /AUSTRIA/ Federal Chancellor PDF
Federspiel, Ulrik /DENMARK/ Vice President Global Affairs, Haldor Topsøe A/S PDF
Feldstein, Martin S. /USA/ George F. Baker Professor of Economics, Harvard University PDF
Ferguson, Niall /USA/ Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History, Harvard University PDF
Ferreira Alves, Clara /PORTUGAL/ CEO, Claref LDA; writer [1, 2, 3] PDF
Fillon, François /FRANCE/ Former Prime Minister PDF
Fischer, Heinz /AUSTRIA/ Federal President PDF
Fishman, Mark C. /USA/ President, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research PDF
Flint, Douglas J. /UK/ Group Chairman, HSBC Holdings plc PDF
Fu, Ying /CHINA/ Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs PDF
Gallagher, Paul /IRELAND/ Attorney General PDF
Gates, William H. /USA/ Co-chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Chairman, Microsoft Corporation PDF
Gephardt, Richard A. /USA/ President and CEO, Gephardt Group PDF
Gfoeller, Michael /USA/ Political Consultant PDF
Giannitsis, Anastasios /GREECE/ Former Minister of Interior; Professor of Development and International Economics, University of Athens PDF
Goolsbee, Austan D. /USA/ Professor of Economics, University of Chicago Booth School of Business PDF
Gordon, Philip H. /USA/ Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs PDF
Graham, Donald E. /USA/ Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company PDF
Groth, Hans /SWITZERLAND/ Senior Director, Healthcare Policy & Market Access, Oncology Business Unit, Pfizer Europe PDF
Gruber, Lilli /ITALY/ Journalist - Anchorwoman, La 7 TV PDF
Gucht, Karel de /BELGIUM/ Commissioner, European Commission PDF
Guindos, Luis de /SPAIN/ Minister of Economy and Competitiveness PDF
Gülek Domac, Tayyibe /TURKEY/ Former Minister of State [1, 2] PDF
Gürel, Z. Damla /TURKEY/ Special Adviser to the President on EU Affairs [1, 2] PDF
Gutzwiller, Felix /SWITZERLAND/ Member of the Swiss Council of States PDF
Halberstadt, Victor /THE NETHERLANDS/ Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings PDF
Hardouvelis, Gikas A. /GREECE/ Chief Economist and Head of Research, Eurobank EFG PDF
Harris, Britt /USA/ CIO, Teacher Retirement System of Texas PDF
Heinonen, Olli /FINLAND/ Senior Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School of Government PDF
Henry, Simon /UK/ CFO, Royal Dutch Shell plc PDF
Hermelin, Paul /FRANCE/ Chairman and CEO, Capgemini Group PDF
Hoffman, Reid /USA/ Co-founder and Executive Chairman, LinkedIn PDF
Hommen, Jan H.M. /THE NETHERLANDS/ Chairman, ING Group PDF
Hormats, Robert D. /USA/ Under Secretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs PDF
Huang, Yiping /CHINA/ Professor of Economics, China Center for Economic Research, Peking University PDF
Hughes, Chris R. /USA/ Co-founder, Facebook PDF
Huntsman, Jr., Jon M. /USA/ Chairman, Huntsman Cancer Foundation PDF
Huyghebaert, Jan /BELGIUM/ Chairman of the Board of Directors, KBC Group PDF
Ischinger, Wolfgang /GERMANY/ Chairman, Munich Security Conference; Global Head Government Relations, Allianz SE PDF
Isla, Pablo /SPAIN/ Chairman and CEO, Inditex Group PDF
Ivanov, Igor S. /RUSSIA/ Associate member, Russian Academy of Science; President, Russian International Affairs Council PDF
Jacobs, Kenneth M. /USA/ Chairman & CEO, Lazard PDF
Janom Steiner, Barbara /SWITZERLAND/ Head of the Department of Justice, Security and Health, Canton Grisons PDF
Johansson, Ole /FINLAND/ Chairman, Confederation of the Finnish Industries EK PDF
Johnson, James A. /USA/ Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC PDF
Jordan, Thomas J. /SWITZERLAND/ Chairman of the Governing Board, Swiss National Bank PDF
Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. /USA/ Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC PDF
Kaplan, Robert D. /USA/ Chief Geopolitical Analyst, Stratfor PDF
Karp, Alexander /USA/ CEO, Palantir Technologies PDF
Karsner, Alexander /USA/ Executive Chairman, Manifest Energy, Inc PDF
Karvar, Anousheh /FRANCE/ Inspector, Inter-ministerial Audit and Evaluation Office for Social, Health, Employment and Labor Policies PDF
Kasparov, Garry /RUSSIA/ Chairman, United Civil Front (of Russia) PDF
Katainen, Jyrki /FINLAND/ Minister of Finance PDF
Keane, John M. /USA/ Senior Partner, SCP Partners PDF
Kerr, John /UK/ Member, House of Lords; Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc. PDF
Kerry, John /USA/ Senator for Massachusetts PDF
Keyman, E. Fuat /TURKEY/ Director, Istanbul Policy Center and Professor of International Relations, Sabanci University PDF
King Philippe of Belgium PDF
Kissinger, Henry A. /USA/ Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc. PDF
Kleinfeld, Klaus /USA/ Chairman and CEO, Alcoa PDF
Knot, Klaas H.W. /THE NETHERLANDS/ President, De Nederlandsche Bank PDF
Koç, Mustafa V. /TURKEY/ Chairman, Koç Holding A.Ş. PDF
Koch, Roland /GERMANY/ CEO, Bilfinger Berger SE PDF
Kodmani, Bassma /SYRIA/ Member of the Executive Bureau and Head of Foreign Affairs, Syrian National Council PDF
Kravis, Henry R. /USA/ Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. PDF
Kravis, Marie-Josée /USA/ Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc. PDF
Kroes, Neelie /THE NETHERLANDS/ Commissioner, European Commission PDF
Krupp, Fred /USA/ President, Environmental Defense Fund PDF
Kudelski, André /SWITZERLAND/ Chairman and CEO, Kudelski Group SA PDF
Kyriacopoulos, Ulysses /GREECE/ Chairman, S&B Industrial Minerals S.A. PDF
Lambert, Richard /UK/ Independent Non-Executive Director, Ernst & Young PDF
Lamy, Pascal /FRANCE/ Director General, World Trade Organization PDF
Lander, Eric S. /USA/ President and Director, Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT PDF
Lauk, Kurt J. /GERMANY/ Chairman of the Economic Council to the CDU, Berlin PDF
Lauvergeon, Anne /FRANCE/ Chairman of the Executive Board, AREVA PDF
León Gross, Bernardino /SPAIN/ Secretary General, Office of the Prime Minister PDF
Lessig, Lawrence /USA/ Roy L. Furman Professor of Law and Leadership, Harvard Law School; Director, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University PDF
Letta, Enrico /ITALY/ Deputy Leader, Democratic Party (PD) PDF
Leuthard, Doris /SWITZERLAND/ Federal Councillor PDF
Levite, Ariel E. /ISRAEL/ Nonresident Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace PDF
Lévy, Maurice /FRANCE/ Chairman and CEO, Publicis Groupe S.A. PDF
Leysen, Thomas /BELGIUM/ Chairman, Umicore, Chairman of the Board of Directors, KBC Group PDF
Li, Cheng /USA/ Senior Fellow and Director of Research, John L. Thornton China Center, Brookings Institution PDF
Lindner, Christian /GERMANY/ Party Leader, Free Democratic Party (FDP NRW) PDF
Lipsky, John /USA/ Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Johns Hopkins University PDF
Liveris, Andrew N. /USA/ President, Chairman and CEO, The Dow Chemical Company PDF
Löfven, Stefan /SWEDEN/ Party Leader, Social Democratic Party (SAP) PDF
Löscher, Peter /GERMANY/ Chairman of the Board of Management, Siemens AG PDF
Lynn, William J. /USA/ Chairman and CEO, DRS Technologies, Inc. PDF
Magnus, Birger /NORWAY/ Chairman, Storebrand ASA PDF
Mandelson, Peter /UK/ Member, House of Lords; Chairman, Global Counsel PDF
Mansbridge, Peter /CANADA/ Chief Correspondent, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation PDF
Mathews, Jessica T. /USA/ President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace PDF
McDowell, Michael /IRELAND/ Senior Counsel, Law Library; Former Deputy Prime Minister PDF
Mchangama, Jacob /DENMARK/ Director of Legal Affairs, Center for Political Studies (CEPOS) PDF
McKenna, Frank /CANADA/ Deputy Chair, TD Bank Financial Group PDF
Mehlman, Kenneth B. /USA/ Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. PDF
Micklethwait, John /UK/ Editor-in-Chief, The Economist PDF
Montbrial, Thierry de /FRANCE/ President, French Institute for International Relations PDF
Monti, Mario /ITALY/ President, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi PDF
Mordashov, Alexey A. /RUSSIA/ CEO, Severstal PDF
Moreira da Silva, Jorge /PORTUGAL/ First Vice-President, Partido Social Democrata (PSD) PDF
Moyo, Dambisa F. /ZAMBIA/ Economist and Author PDF
Mundie, Craig J. /USA/ Chief Research and Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation PDF
Myklebust, Egil /NORWAY/ Former Chairman of the Board of Directors SAS, Norsk Hydro ASA PDF
Nagel, Alberto /ITALY/ CEO, Mediobanca PDF
Naím, Moisés /USA/ Editor-in-Chief, Foreign Policy PDF
Nass, Matthias /GERMANY/ Chief International Correspondent, Die Zeit PDF
Ng, Andrew Y. /USA/ Co-Founder, Coursera PDF
Nin Génova, Juan María /SPAIN/ President and CEO, La Caixa PDF
Nogueira Leite, António /PORTUGAL/ Member of the Board, José de Mello Investimentos, SGPS, SA PDF
Noonan, Michael /IRELAND/ Minister for Finance PDF
Noonan, Peggy /USA/ Author, Columnist, The Wall Street Journal PDF
Nyrup Rasmussen, Poul /DENMARK/ Former Prime Minister PDF
Oldham, John /UK/ National Clinical Lead for Quality and Productivity PDF
Ollila, Jorma /FINLAND/ Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc PDF
Omand, David /UK/ Visiting Professor, King’s College London PDF
Orbinski, James /CANADA/ Professor of Medicine and Political Science, University of Toronto PDF
Orszag, Peter R. /USA/ Director, Office of Management and Budget PDF
Osborne, George /UK/ Chancellor of the Exchequer PDF
Ottersen, Ole Petter /NORWAY/ Rector, University of Oslo PDF
Ottolenghi, Emanuele /USA/ Senior Fellow, Foundation for Defense of Democracies PDF
Özel, Soli /TURKEY/ Senior Lecturer, Kadir Has University; Columnist, Habertürk Newspaper PDF
Özilhan, Tuncay /TURKEY/ Chairman, Anadolu Group PDF
Papaconstantinou, George (Papakonstantinou, Giorgos) /GREECE/ Minister of Finance PDF
Papahelas, Alexis /GREECE/ Executive Editor, Kathimerini Newspaper PDF
Papalexopoulos, Dimitri /GREECE/ Managing Director, Titan Cement Co. PDF
Parker, Sean /USA/ Managing Partner, Founders Fund PDF
Pavey, Şafak /TURKEY/ Member of Parliament (CHP) PDF
Pechtold, Alexander /THE NETHERLANDS/ Parliamentary Leader, Democrats ’66 (D66) PDF
Pécresse, Valérie /FRANCE/ Member of Parliament (UMP) PDF
Pekin, Şefika /TURKEY/ Founding Partner, Pekin & Bayar Law Firm [1, 2] PDF
Pentikäinen, Mikael /FINLAND/ Publisher and Senior Editor-in-Chief, Helsingin Sanomat PDF
Perle, Richard N. /USA/ Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research PDF
Petraeus, David H. /USA/ General, U.S. Army (Retired) PDF
Polanco, Ignacio /SPAIN/ Chairman, Grupo PRISA PDF
Polman, Paul /THE NETHERLANDS/ CEO, Unilever PLC PDF
Portas, Paulo /PORTUGAL/ Minister of State and Foreign Affairs PDF
Prichard, J. Robert S. /CANADA/ President and CEO, Metrolinx PDF
Prince Haakon of Norway PDF
Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands PDF
Queen Sofía of Spain PDF
Rabinovich, Itamar /ISRAEL/ Global Distinguished Professor, New York University PDF
Rachman, Gideon /UK/ Chief Foreign Affairs Commentator, The Financial Times PDF
Ramanantsoa, Bernard /FRANCE/ Dean, HEC Paris Group PDF
Rangel, Paulo /PORTUGAL/ Member, European Parliament PDF
Rattner, Steven /USA/ Chairman, Willett Advisors LLC PDF
Redford, Alison M. /CANADA/ Premier of Alberta PDF
Reding, Viviane /LUXEMBOURG/ Vice President and Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, European Commission PDF
Reisman, Heather M. /CANADA/ Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc. PDF
Reitzle, Wolfgang /GERMANY/ CEO & President, Linde AG PDF
Renström, Lars /SWEDEN/ President and CEO, Alfa Laval PDF
Rey, Hélène /FRANCE/ Professor of Economics, London Business School PDF
Rinnooy Kan, Alexander H.G. /THE NETHERLANDS/ Chairman, Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER) PDF
Robertson, Simon /UK/ Partner, Robertson Robey Associates LLP; Deputy Chairman, HSBC Holdings PDF
Rocca, Gianfelice /ITALY/ Chairman, Techint PDF
Rockefeller, David /USA/ Former Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank PDF
Rodriguez Inciarte, Matías /SPAIN/ Executive Vice Chairman, Grupo Santander PDF
Rogoff, Kenneth S. /USA/ Professor of Economics, Harvard University PDF
Rompuy, Herman van /BELGIUM/ President, European Council PDF
Rose, Charlie /USA/ Producer, Rose Communications PDF
Rosenthal, Uri /THE NETHERLANDS/ Minister of Foreign Affairs PDF
Ross, Dennis B. /USA/ Counselor, Washington Institute for Near East Policy PDF
Rostowski, Jacek /POLAND/ Minister of Finance PDF
Roy, Olivier /FRANCE/ Professor of Social and Political Theory, European University Institute PDF
Rubin, Robert E. /USA/ Co-Chairman, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Secretary of the Treasury PDF
Rutte, Mark /THE NETHERLANDS/ Prime Minister PDF
Sabanci Dinçer, Suzan /TURKEY/ Chairman, Akbank PDF
Sáenz de Santamaría Antón, Soraya /SPAIN/ Vice President and Minister for the Presidency PDF
Scaroni, Paolo /ITALY/ CEO, Eni S.p.A. PDF
Scheffer, Paul /THE NETHERLANDS/ Professor of European Studies, Tilburg University PDF
Schieder, Andreas /AUSTRIA/ State Secretary of Finance PDF
Schmid, Martin /SWITZERLAND/ President, Government of the Canton Grisons PDF
Schmidt, Eric /USA/ CEO and Chairman of the Board, Google PDF
Scholten, Rudolf /AUSTRIA/ Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG PDF
Scholz, Olaf /GERMANY/ Vice Chairman, SPD PDF
Schütze, Peter /DENMARK/ Member of the Executive Management, Nordea Bank AB PDF
Schweiger, Rolf /SWITZERLAND/ Member of the Swiss Council of States PDF
Seguro, António José /PORTUGAL/ Secretary General, Socialist Party PDF
Senard, Jean-Dominique /FRANCE/ CEO, Michelin Group PDF
Shambaugh, David /USA/ Director, China Policy Program, George Washington University PDF
Sheeran, Josette /USA/ Executive Director, United Nations World Food Programme PDF
Siilasmaa, Risto /FINLAND/ Chairman of the Board of Directors, Nokia Corporation PDF
Skogen Lund, Kristin /NORWAY/ Director General, Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise PDF
Slaughter, Anne-Marie /USA/ Bert G. Kerstetter ’66 University Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Princeton University PDF
Soiron, Rolf /SWITZERLAND/ Chairman of the Board, Holcim Ltd., Lonza Ltd. PDF
Solana Madariaga, Javier /SPAIN/ Former Secretary General, Council of the European Union PDF
Solberg, Erna /NORWAY/ Leader of the Conservative Party PDF
Speyer, Jerry I. /USA/ Chairman and Co-CEO, Tishman Speyer PDF
Steinberg, James B. /USA/ Deputy Secretary of State PDF
Steinbrück, Peer /GERMANY/ Member of the Bundestag; Former Minister of Finance PDF
Stewart, Rory /UK/ Member of Parliament PDF
Stigson, Björn /SWEDEN/ President, World Business Council for Sustainable Development PDF
Summers, Lawrence H. /USA/ Director, National Economic Council PDF
Supino, Pietro /SWITZERLAND/ Chairman and Publisher, Tamedia AG PDF
Sutherland, Peter D. /IRELAND/ Chairman, Goldman Sachs International PDF
Taylor, J. Martin /UK/ Chairman, Syngenta International AG PDF
Teixeira dos Santos, Fernando /PORTUGAL/ Minister of State and Finance PDF
Thiam, Tidjane /UK - IVORY COAST/ Group CEO, Prudential plc PDF
Thiel, Peter A. /USA/ President, Clarium Capital Management, LLC PDF
Thompson, Craig B. /USA/ President and CEO, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center PDF
Timuray, Serpil /TURKEY/ CEO, Vodafone Turkey PDF
Topsøe, Jakob Haldor /DENMARK/ Partner, AMBROX Capital A/S PDF
Tremonti, Giulio /ITALY/ Minister of Economy and Finance PDF
Trichet, Jean-Claude /FRANCE/ President, European Central Bank PDF
Trittin, Jürgen /GERMANY/ Parliamentary Leader, Alliance 90/The Greens PDF
Tsoukalis, Loukas /GREECE/ President, ELIAMEP PDF
Tumpel-Gugerell, Gertrude /AUSTRIA/ Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank PDF
Urpilainen, Jutta /FINLAND/ Minister of Finance PDF
Varney, Christine A. /USA/ Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust PDF
Vasella, Daniel L. /SWITZERLAND/ Chairman, Novartis AG PDF
Vaupel, James W. /USA/ Founding Director, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research PDF
Vimont, Pierre /FRANCE/ Executive Secretary General, European External Action Service PDF
Volcker, Paul A. /USA/ Chairman, Economic Recovery Advisory Board PDF
Voser, Peter /UK - SWITZERLAND/ CEO, Royal Dutch Shell plc PDF
Wahlroos, Björn /FINLAND/ Chairman, Sampo plc PDF
Waldvogel, Francis A. /SWITZERLAND/ Chairman, Novartis Venture Fund PDF
Wall, Brad /CANADA/ Premier of Saskatchewan PDF
Wallenberg, Jacob /SWEDEN/ Chairman, Investor AB PDF
Warsh, Kevin /USA/ Former Governor, Federal Reserve Board PDF
Wellink, Nout /THE NETHERLANDS/ President, De Nederlandsche Bank PDF
West, F.J. Bing /USA/ Author PDF
Weston, Galen G. /CANADA/ Executive Chairman, Loblaw Companies Limited PDF
Williams of Crosby, Shirley /UK/ Member, House of Lords PDF
Winter, Jaap W. /THE NETHERLANDS/ Partner, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek PDF
Witmer, Jürg /SWITZERLAND/ Chairman, Givaudan SA and Clariant AG PDF
Wolf, Martin H. /UK/ Chief Economics Commentator, The Financial Times PDF
Wolfensohn, James D. /USA/ Chairman, Wolfensohn & Company, LLC PDF
Wooldridge, Adrian D. /UK/ Business Correspondent, The Economist PDF
Wright, Nigel S. /CANADA/ Chief of Staff, Office of the Prime Minister PDF
Yergin, Daniel /USA/ Chairman, IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates PDF
Zapatero, José Luis Rodríguez /SPAIN/ Prime Minister PDF
Zetsche, Dieter /GERMANY/ Chairman, Daimler AG PDF
Zoellick, Robert B. /USA/ President, The World Bank Group PDF

Notarial Firm for Bilderberg (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

Borren, Hans [1, 2] /Chairman Mr M.J. Meijer c.s/THE NETHERLANDS/ PDF
Meijer, Maarten R. [1, 2, 3] /THE NETHERLANDS/ PDF

Website Service Provider for Bilderberg (1, 2)

Rademaker, Ron [1, 2, 3, 4] /Founder Virtual Building BV/THE NETHERLANDS/ PDF

(Former) Website Service Provider for Bilderberg (1)

Soeterbroek, Jeroen [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] /Founder Connect Holland BV/THE NETHERLANDS/ PDF

Hills, Carla A. /USA/ PDF
Rubenstein, David Mark /USA/ PDF
Haass, Richard Nathan /USA/ PDF
Abizaid, John P. /USA/ PDF
Ackerman, Peter /USA/ PDF
Albright, Madeleine K. /USA/ PDF
Baird, Zoë /USA/ PDF
Blinder, Alan S. /USA/ PDF
Boies, Mary McInnis /USA/ PDF
Bradley, David G. /USA/ PDF
Brokaw, Tom /USA/ PDF
Burns, R. Nicholas /USA/ PDF
Denning, Steven A. /USA/ PDF
Fink, Laurence D. /USA/ PDF
Friedman, Stephen /USA/ PDF
Fudge, Ann M. [2] /USA/ PDF
Gann, Pamela /USA/ PDF
Glocer, Thomas H. /USA/ PDF
Henry, Peter B. /USA/ PDF
Hill, J. Tomilson /USA/ PDF
Hrinak, Donna J. /USA/ PDF
Jackson, Shirley Ann /USA/ PDF
Kent, Muhtar /USA/ PDF
Miscik, Jami /USA/ PDF
Owens, James W. /USA/ PDF
Padrón, Eduardo J. /USA/ PDF
Peterson, Peter G. /USA/ PDF
Porat, Ruth /USA/ PDF
Smith, Frederick W. /USA/ PDF
Warner, Margaret /USA/ PDF
Weber, Vin /USA/ PDF
Whitman, Christine Todd /USA/ PDF
Zakaria, Fareed /USA/ PDF
Olson, Keith [photo unconfirmed!] /USA/ PDF
Lindsay, James M. /USA/ PDF
Faskianos, Irina A. /USA/ PDF
Gelb, Leslie H. /USA/ PDF
Greenberg, Maurice R. /USA/ PDF
Annan, Kofi /GHANA - USA/ PDF
Belo-Osagie, Hakeem /NIGERIA/ PDF
Desmarais Jr., Paul /CANADA/ PDF
Döpfner, Mathias /GERMANY/ PDF
Carbajal, José Antonio Fernández /MEXICO/ PDF
Halonen, Tarja /FINLAND/ PDF
Ibrahim, Mohamed /SUDAN - UK/ PDF
Jameel, Mohammed Abdul Latif /SAUDI ARABIA/ PDF
Kojima, Yorihiko /JAPAN/ PDF
Mahindra, Anand /INDIA/ PDF
Mansour, Mohamed /EGYPT/ PDF
de Margerie, Christophe /FRANCE/ PDF
Masiyiwa, Strive /ZIMBABWE/ PDF
Ofer, Idan /ISRAEL/ PDF
Olayan, Lubna /SAUDI ARABIA/ PDF
Potanin, Vladimir /RUSSIA/ PDF
Powell, Charles David /UK/ PDF
Walujo, Patrick /INDONESIA/ PDF
Xin, Zhang /CHINA/ PDF

Rasmussen, Anders Fogh /DENMARK/ PDF
Vershbow, Alexander /USA/ PDF
Lungescu, Oana /BELGIUM - ROMANIA/ PDF
Høeg-Jensen, Kasper /DENMARK/ PDF
Stamatopoulos, Thrasyvoulos Terry /GREECE/ PDF
Ducaru, Sorin /ROMANIA/ PDF
Auroy, Patrick /FRANCE/ PDF
Brauss, Heinrich /GERMANY/ PDF
Bush, Wayne J. /USA/ PDF
Grabar-Kitarović, Kolinda /CROATIA/ PDF
Evans, Stephen /UK/ PDF
Smith, Stephen F. /USA/ PDF
Hill, Steven /USA/ PDF
Chagnot, Stéphane /FRANCE/ PDF

Ashton, Catherine /UK/ PDF
Kallas, Siim /ESTONIA/ PDF
Tajani, Antonio /ITALY - FRANCE/ PDF
Šefčovič, Maroš /SLOVAKIA/ PDF
Rehn, Olli /FINLAND/ PDF
Potočnik, Janez /SLOVENIA/ PDF
Piebalgs, Andris /LATVIA/ PDF
Barnier, Michel /FRANCE/ PDF
Vassiliou, Androulla /CYPRUS/ PDF
Šemeta, Algirdas /LITHUANIA/ PDF
Geoghegan-Quinn, Máire /IRELAND/ PDF
Lewandowski, Janusz /POLAND/ PDF
Damanaki, Maria /GREECE/ PDF
Georgieva, Kristalina /BULGARIA/ PDF
Oettinger, Günther /GERMANY/ PDF
Hahn, Johannes /AUSTRIA/ PDF
Hedegaard, Connie /DENMARK/ PDF
Andor, László /HUNGARY/ PDF
Malmström, Cecilia /BELGIUM - SWEDEN/ PDF
Cioloş, Dacian /ROMANIA/ PDF
Borg, Tonio /MALTA/ PDF
Mimica, Neven /CROATIA/ PDF
Guy Verhofstadt /BELGIUM - ITALY/ PDF
Draghi, Mario /ITALY/ PDF
Constâncio, Vítor Manuel Ribeiro /PORTUGAL/ PDF
Cœuré, Benoît /FRANCE/ PDF
Lautenschläger, Sabine /GERMANY/ PDF
Praet, Peter /BELGIUM/ PDF
O’Mahoney, John [1, 2] /IRELAND/ PDF
Esteban Perez, Francisco /SPAIN/ PDF
Bolkestein, Frederik /THE NETHERLANDS/ PDF
de Hoop Scheffer, Jakob Gijsbert /THE NETHERLANDS/ PDF

Krivokapic, Ranko /MONTENEGRO/ PDF
Burkhalter, Didier /SWITZERLAND/ PDF
Voridis, Makis /GREECE/ PDF
Guliyev, Azay /AZERBAIJAN/ PDF
Kauma, Pia /FINLAND/ PDF
Aknazarova, Roza /KYRGYZSTAN/ PDF
Sena, Nilza /PORTUGAL/ PDF
Williams, Roger /UK/ PDF
Santos, Isabel /PORTUGAL/ PDF
Kulkuloglu, Mehmet Sevki /TURKEY/ PDF
Comic, Gordana /SERBIA/ PDF

Kohr, Howard /USA/ PDF
Fishman, Richard /USA/ PDF
Kern, Chrystal [1, 2, 3, 4] /USA/ PDF

Foxman, Abraham H. /USA/ PDF
Curtiss-Lusher, Barry /USA/ PDF

Polak, Stuart [1, 2] /UK/ PDF
Tamam, Nathalie [1, 2] /UK/ PDF
Gurd, James [1, 2] /UK/ PDF
Stark, Leetal [1, 2] /UK/ PDF
Akademir, Sedef [1 ,2, 3] /UK/ PDF
Murkes, Tanyah [1, 2, 3] /ISRAEL/ PDF

Zabludowicz, Chaim Poju [1, 2] /UK/ PDF
Kehoe, Dermot /UK/ PDF
Fineberg, Tony /UK/ PDF
Pater, Richard /ISRAEL/ PDF

Siboni, Haim /ISRAEL/ PDF

Leibler, Marc /AUSTRALIA/ PDF
Rubenstein, Colin /AUSTRALIA/ PDF

Soros, George /USA/ PDF
Stone, Christopher /USA/ PDF

Rothschild, Nathaniel Charles Jacob [1, 2, 3] /UK/ PDF

Rothschild, Nathaniel Philip Victor James [1, 2] /SWITZERLAND - UK/ PDF

Dlouhy, Vladimír /CZECH REPUBLIC/ PDF
Fuchs, Michael /GERMANY/ PDF
Nye, Joseph S. Jr. /USA/ PDF
Prentice, Jim /CANADA/ PDF
Serra, Jaime /MEXICO/ PDF
Hasegawa, Yasuchika /JAPAN/ PDF
Seok-hyun, Hong /SOUTH KOREA/ PDF
Wanandi, Jusuf /INDONESIA/ PDF

Strong, Maurice F. [1, 2, 3]/CHINA/ PDF

Bush, George H. W. /USA/ PDF
Clinton, William J. /USA/ PDF
Clinton, Hillary Diane Rodham /USA/ PDF
Bush, George W. /USA/ PDF
Obama, Barack H. /USA/ PDF
Peres, Shimon /ISRAEL/ PDF
Netanyahu, Benjamin /ISRAEL/ PDF
Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary /UK/ PDF
Prince Charles, Prince of Wales /UK/ PDF
Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh /UK/ PDF
Blair, Tony /UK/ PDF
Di Rupo, Elio /BELGIUM/ PDF
Harper, Stephen /CANADA/ PDF
Queen Margrethe Alexandrine Þórhildur Ingrid /DENMARK/ PDF
Thorning-Schmidt, Helle /DENMARK/ PDF
Sarkozy, Nicolas /FRANCE/ PDF
Hollande, François /FRANCE/ PDF
Valls, Manuel /FRANCE/ PDF
Ayrault, Jean-Marc /FRANCE/ PDF
Napolitano, Giorgio /ITALY/ PDF
Renzi, Matteo /ITALY/ PDF
Berlusconi, Silvio /ITALY/ PDF
King Harald V /NORWAY/ PDF
Stoltenberg, Jens /NORWAY/ PDF
Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani /QATAR/ PDF
Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani /QATAR/ PDF
Juan Carlos Alfonso Víctor María de Borbón y Borbón-Dos Sicilias /SPAIN/ PDF
Rajoy Brey, Mariano /SPAIN/ PDF
Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands PDF
Gusenbauer, Alfred /AUSTRIA/ PDF
Kamov, Nikolai /BULGARIA/ PDF
Harris, Mike /CANADA/ PDF
Lord, Bernard /CANADA/ PDF
Chrétien, Joseph Jacques Jean /CANADA/ PDF
Martin, Paul Edgar Philippe /CANADA/ PDF
Heinäluoma, Eero Olavi /FINLAND/ PDF
Niinistö, Sauli Väinämö /FINLAND/ PDF
Vanhanen, Matti Taneli /FINLAND/ PDF
Westerwelle, Guido /GERMANY/ PDF
Schmidt, Helmut Heinrich Waldemar /GERMANY/ PDF
Merkel, Angela Dorothea /GERMANY/ PDF
Fischer, Joseph Martin Joschka /GERMANY/ PDF
Alogoskoufis, George /GREECE/ PDF
Bakoyannis, Dora /GREECE/ PDF
Diamantopoulou, Anna /GREECE/ PDF
Stournaras, Yiannis /GREECE/ PDF
Papathanasiou, Yannis /GREECE/ PDF
Bjarnason, Björn /ICELAND/ PDF
Oddsson, Davíð /ICELAND/ PDF
Haarde, Geir Hilmar /ICELAND/ PDF
Sigurðsson, Jón /ICELAND/ PDF
Gleeson, Dermot /IRELAND/ PDF
Noonan, Michael /IRELAND/ PDF
Bonino, Emma /ITALY/ PDF
Tanaka, Nobuo /JAPAN/ PDF
Balkenende, Jan Peter /THE NETHERLANDS/ PDF
Verhagen, Maxime Jacques Marcel /THE NETHERLANDS/ PDF
Jensen, Siv /NORWAY/ PDF
Clemet, Kristin /NORWAY/ PDF
de Pinho, Manuel António Gomes de Almeida /PORTUGAL/ PDF
Sócrates Carvalho Pinto de Sousa, José /PORTUGAL/ PDF
Aguiar-Branco, José Pedro /PORTUGAL/ PDF
de Santana Lopes, Pedro Miguel /PORTUGAL/ PDF
Sarmento, Nuno Morais /PORTUGAL/ PDF
da Costa, António Luís dos Santos /PORTUGAL/ PDF
Rio, Rui Fernando da Silva /PORTUGAL/ PDF
Leite, Maria Manuela Dias Ferreira /PORTUGAL/ PDF
Silva, Augusto Santos /PORTUGAL/ PDF
de Sousa, Marcelo Rebelo /PORTUGAL/ PDF
Guterres, António Manuel de Oliveira /PORTUGAL/ PDF
Rodrigues, Eduardo Luís Barreto Ferro /PORTUGAL/ PDF
de Sampaio, Jorge Fernando Branco /PORTUGAL/ PDF
Amaral, Luís Mira /PORTUGAL/ PDF
Constâncio, Vítor Manuel Ribeiro /PORTUGAL/ PDF
Ferreira, José Medeiros /PORTUGAL/ PDF
do Amaral, Joaquim Ferreira /PORTUGAL/ PDF
Barreto, António Miguel de Morais /PORTUGAL/ PDF
Cravinho, João Cardona Gomes /PORTUGAL/ PDF
Nabo, Francisco Luís Murteira /PORTUGAL/ PDF
Olechowski, Andrzej Marian /POLAND/ PDF
Suchocka, Hanna /POLAND/ PDF
Moratinos Cuyaubé, Miguel Ángel /SPAIN/ PDF
Solbes Mira, Pedro /SPAIN/ PDF
Fälldin, Nils Olof Thorbjörn /SWEDEN/ PDF
Olofsson, Maud Elisabeth /SWEDEN/ PDF
Reinfeldt, John Fredrik /SWEDEN/ PDF
Sahlin, Mona Ingeborg /SWEDEN/ PDF
Blocher, Christoph /SWITZERLAND/ PDF
Ashdown, Paddy /UK/ PDF
Carington, Peter Alexander Rupert /UK/ PDF
Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert Michael James /UK/ PDF
Healey, Denis Winston /UK/ PDF
Monks, John Stephen /UK/ PDF
Owen, David Anthony Llewellyn /UK/ PDF
Rifkind, Malcolm Leslie /UK/ PDF
Hannay, David Hugh Alexander /UK/ PDF
Brown, Gordon /UK/ PDF
Berger, Samuel Richard /USA/ PDF
Geithner, Timothy Franz /USA/ PDF
Hamilton, Lee Herbert /USA/ PDF
Powell, Colin Luther /USA/ PDF
Rice, Condoleezza /USA/ PDF
Shultz, George Pratt /USA/ PDF
Daschle, Thomas Andrew /USA/ PDF
Edwards, Johnny Reid /USA/ PDF
Hagel, Charles Timothy /USA/ PDF
Nunn, Samuel Augustus Jr. /USA/ PDF
Perry, James Richard /USA/ PDF
Sanford, Marshall Clement Jr. /USA/ PDF
Sebelius, Kathleen /USA/ PDF
Arapoglou, Takis /GREECE/ PDF
McDonough, William Joseph /USA/ PDF
Bernanke, Ben Shalom /USA/ PDF
Yousfi, Youcef /ALGERIA/ PDF
Boudou, Amado /ARGENTINA/ PDF
Sargsyan, Serzh /ARMENIA/ PDF
Bishop, Julie /AUSTRALIA/ PDF
Aliyev, Ilham /AZERBAIJAN/ PDF
Temer, Michel /BRAZIL/ PDF
Valenzuela, Heraldo Muñoz /CHILE/ PDF
Jinping, Xi /CHINA/ PDF
Bělobrádek, Pavel /CZECH REPUBLIC/ PDF
Loza, Hamdi Sanad /EGYPT/ PDF
Ondimba, Ali Bongo /GABON/ PDF
Garibashvili, Irakli /GEORGIA/ PDF
Martonyi, János /HUNGARY/ PDF
Khurshid, Salman /INDIA/ PDF
Noble, Ronald Kenneth /USA/ PDF
Steinitz, Yuval /ISRAEL/ PDF
Abe, Shinzō /JAPAN/ PDF
ibn al-Hussein, Abdullah II /JORDAN/ PDF
Nazarbayev, Nursultan Äbishuly /KAZAKHSTAN/ PDF
Grybauskaitė, Dalia /LITHUANIA/ PDF
bin Yassin, Muhyiddin /MALAYSIA/ PDF
Gómez-Robledo, Juan Manuel /MEXICO/ PDF
Mezouar, Salaheddine /MOROCCO/ PDF
Key, John Phillip /NEW ZEALAND/ PDF
Jonathan, Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe /NIGERIA/ PDF
Sharif, Mian Muhammad Nawaz /PAKISTAN/ PDF
Sikorski, Radosław Tomasz /POLAND/ PDF
Băsescu, Traian /ROMANIA/ PDF
Lavrov, Sergey Viktorovich /RUSSIA/ PDF
Yamani, Hashim [1, 2] /SAUDI ARABIA/ PDF
Hsien Loong, Lee /SINGAPORE/ PDF
Nkoana-Mashabane, Maite Emily /SOUTH AFRICA/ PDF
Geun-hye, Park /SOUTH KOREA/ PDF
Phuangketkeow, Sihasak /THAILAND/ PDF
Gül, Abdullah /TURKEY/ PDF
Yatsenyuk, Arseniy Petrovych /UKRAINE/ PDF
bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, Mohammed /ABU DHABI - UAE/ PDF
Nguyễn, Tấn Dũng /VIETNAM/ PDF
Erdoğan, Recep Tayyip /TURKEY/ PDF
Putin, Vladimir /RUSSIA/ PDF
Prince William, Duke of Cambridge /UK/ PDF
Medvedev, Dmitry Anatolyevich /RUSSIA/ PDF
Brzezinski, Zbigniew Kazimierz /USA/ PDF

Ratzinger, Joseph Aloisius /VATICAN - ITALY/ PDF
Bergoglio, Jorge Mario /VATICAN - ITALY/ PDF
Tauran, Jean-Louis /VATICAN - ITALY/ PDF
von Freyberg, Ernst [1, 2] /VATICAN - ITALY - GERMANY/ PDF
Castelló, Santos Abril y /VATICAN - ITALY/ PDF
Ricca, Battista Mario Salvatore /VATICAN - ITALY/ PDF
Marranci, Rolando /VATICAN - ITALY/ PDF

Lior, Dov [1, 2] /ISRAEL/ PDF
Dahan, Eli Ben [1, 2] /ISRAEL/ PDF

.Crooked Banksters and Politicians

America's shortlist of Most Crooked Politicians

dr. π (pi)

banksters, crimes against humanity, corrupt politicians, criminal, sick fucks

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