5G Agenda

Aug 29, 2023 10:23

Claire Edwards : What is the real 5G Agenda and why the frantic hurry to deploy it?
Our Planet YT Jan 22, 2020

Via : https://clothcap.livejournal.com/552269.html

The death-ray that microwaves humans, a good way to (cook &) "eat the rich"

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That electromagnetic radiation is alien to our biology - so it affects everything - it’s going to exacerbate every disease.
Cancer, diabetes, stroke, heart failure, 'comorbidity' et al.

Industrial Military Complex : .[Spoiler (click to open)].Piece of shit 5G Madness

Lovely Claire makes the connection between EMF rad poisoning and autism, she doesn't make the connection between the fake serums and autism. All the fake vax have a nano metal component, usually aluminium as an adjuvant and more recent times, PEGylated graphene nanos. The nano particles respond to telecom permitted frequencies. It's hard to see how, when in the brain, heated particles cannot cause harm. There is also the O2 deprivation factor where the spin rate of O2 is changed and made unavailable to haemoglobin so causing O2 deprivation, fatal in the brain and likely the cause of people dropping dead on the spot seen in multiple videos. 5G is a beam rather than a radio wave. 2 or more antenna will focus on a phone when used. The phone goes to the ear, the victim dies of cerebral O2 starvation. Over 10,000 peer reviewed studies, (20,000 in total) blocked by technical companies. Systematically dismiss all the science on electro-magnetical radiation.


The saddest and most despicable document in history, suppressed for profit.

What the hell 5G is..

dr. π (pi)

industrial military complex, 5g, technocracy

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