For Immediate Liquidation

Jul 19, 2023 13:30

For immediate action: Eliminate all the following Corrupt Service Corporations

ALPHABET, INC./ Alphabet, Inc. SERCO, INC./ Serco, Inc. UNITED KINGDOM, INC./ United Kingdom, Inc. UN, INC. / UN, Inc. WORLD BANK, INC. / World Bank, Inc. WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, INC./ World Health Organization, Inc. NATIONAL HEALTH INSTITUTES, INC. / National Health Institutes, Inc.CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL, INC / Centers for Disease Control, Inc. PIRBRIGHT INSTITUTE, INC. / Pirbright Institute, Inc. BILL AND MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION, INC. / Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Inc. THE CLINTON FOUNDATION, INC. / The Clinton Foundation, Inc.CLINTON FOUNDATION, INC./ Clinton Foundation, Inc. VANGUARD, INC. / Vanguard, Inc. WELLCOME TRUST, INC./Wellcome Trust, Inc. WELLS FARGO, INC./ Wells Fargo, Inc. GLAXOSMITHKLINE, INC./ GlaxoSmithKline, Inc. BAYER, INC. / Bayer, Inc. PFIZER, INC./ Pfizer, Inc. MONSANTO, INC./ Monsanto, Inc. BLACK ROCK, INC./ Black Rock, Inc. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY, INC./ Central Intelligence Agency, Inc. GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES, INC./ Government of the United States, Inc. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS, INC. / Federal Bureau of Investigations, Inc. UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE, INC. / United States Patent and Trademark Office, Inc. AMERICAN CORPORATIONS COMPANY, INC. /American Corporations Company, Inc. THE PILGRIMS SOCIETY, INC./The Pilgrims Society, Inc. THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS, INC. / The United States Congress, Inc. THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, INC. / The Congress of the United States, Inc. THE UNITED STATES IN CONGRESS ASSEMBLED, INC./ The United States in Congress Assembled, Inc. E PLURIBUS UNUM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC./ E Pluribus Unum the United States of America, Inc. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. / United States of America, Inc.THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. / The United States of America, Inc. UNITED NATIONS, INC. / United Nations, Inc. THE UNITED NATIONS, INC. / The United Nations, Inc. THE UNITED STATES, INC. / The United States, Inc. US, INC. / US, Inc. UNITED STATES BAR ASSOCIATION, INC., / United States Bar Association, Inc. AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION, INC. / American Bar Association, Inc. All "National" Franchises dba CANADA, MEXICO, CHINA, etc./ Canada, Inc., Mexico, Inc., China, Inc. etc. All "State" Franchises dba COUNTY KILDARE, KILDARE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, OHIO, etc./ County Kildare, Inc., Kildare County, Inc., Washington, Inc., Ohio, Inc. All "State of State" Franchises dba STATE OF INDIANA, STATE OF ILLINOIS, etc., / State of Indiana, Inc., State of Illinois, Inc., etc. All State Trusts dba ALASKA STATE,INC., OHIO STATE,INC., FLORIDA STATE, INC., etc., / Alaska State, Inc., Ohio State, Inc., etc. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES, INC. / Department of Health and Social Services, Inc. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION, INC. / Federal Emergency Management Administration, Inc. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, INC./ Department of Justice, Inc. INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, INC./ Internal Revenue Service, Inc. IRS, INC. / IRS, Inc. THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, INC. / The Internal Revenue Service, Inc. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, INC. / Department of Defense, Inc. THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, INC. / The Department of Defense, Inc. DOD, INC. / DOD, Inc. BUREAU OF ALCOHOL TOBACCO AND FIREARMS, INC. / Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, Inc. BATF, INC. / BATF, Inc., MODERNA, INC. / Moderna, Inc.

Via :

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America - Our Federation of States

dr. π (pi)

crime story, corrupt politicians, corporations, corruption, money laundering, criminal

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