over east,today is hot milo weather...Wish I could say things have gotten off to a great start but they haven't,pretty much everything has been going wrong before we even boarded the plane starting with $700 in excess baggage (i'm so stupid,fuck you jetstar never again! charge by the kilo pfft)
I don't have a job yet or actually anything lined up,don't even have a house set up thanks to the real estate agents who failed to mention to the owner we had a dog after the approved our application and moved in..so time is spent job searching,looking at houses on the (we have a month here)trying to train bronx,drawing and alot of procastination.I'm sure once we have a house then everything will start rolling and I don't have to sit in a loungeroom with just a tv and a beanbag and can set up a table to draw because atm if I try on the floor then bronx seems to either try and sit on it or bite my paper..
anyways thats the highlight of the past few weeks,bronx our dog.He is a little character,very VERY cute and totally worth it,even after all the shitting and pissing and moaning and biting..you get the drift.Puppy school soon for him anyways.This week he overcame his fear with getting up like 3 or 4 stairs then going back down which now means we have to shut all the doors upstairs too or he proceeds to mark his territory more and take socks or clothes off the ground and bring them downstairs.fun times!.. but no really I love him he's my baby
P.S does anyone even read livejournal in general anymore? hrrm