
May 01, 2005 18:07

im rlly bored...

i was invited to a chatroom!!!

You have just entered room "chat18425935502946283506."
this emo weirdo: HI ALL!!!!!
ohiois4luvrs144: hey
xcoolaroniex: Hello.
Xx BettyWontStop: heyy
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS has entered the room.
PnkRiot8 has entered the room.
MightyCrouton213: hi
xcoolaroniex: Emo cuties.
this emo weirdo: ur all on my buddy list
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: hi
this emo weirdo: lol
xcoolaroniex: =p
PnkRiot8: um...
ohiois4luvrs144: yay
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: yay buddy list
this emo weirdo: lmao
xcoolaroniex: I am on his buddy list.
xcoolaroniex: YES!
this emo weirdo: no i wont be bored
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: i am on my own buddy list
this emo weirdo: now*
xcoolaroniex: Me too.
xcoolaroniex: lol
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: lol
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: cool beans
ohiois4luvrs144: me too
this emo weirdo: same here
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: wow
xcoolaroniex: Cool chicken.
Xx BettyWontStop: lol
this emo weirdo: mooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
Xx BettyWontStop: rawr
this emo weirdo: ahhhhhhhhhhhh
xcoolaroniex: I am a robot.
MightyCrouton213 has left the room.
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: cats go moo
xcoolaroniex: Bee boot!
Xx BettyWontStop: haha
this emo weirdo: so whats up all?
xcoolaroniex: I love robots.
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: ur balls are a robot
xcoolaroniex: I am a girl.
xcoolaroniex: =\
Xx BettyWontStop: XD
xcoolaroniex: Me balless.
this emo weirdo: lol
xcoolaroniex: lol
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: ohhh robotic balls
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: im a girl too
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: but that dont mean i cant have balls
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: ????
this emo weirdo: ?
FaDeSxToXbLaCk56 has left the room.
xcoolaroniex: What?
this emo weirdo: ur ppl r all monkeys!!!!!!!!
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: llama
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: boy
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: moop
this emo weirdo: so
this emo weirdo: lol
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: monkey
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: llama
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: u like racist against monkeys
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: duck
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: squirell
this emo weirdo: butt
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: potatoe
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: cor
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: n
this emo weirdo: lol
this emo weirdo: bannana
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: that rymes with me name
ohiois4luvrs144 has left the room.
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: banananananananaaaaaa
xcoolaroniex: OMG
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: oyg
xcoolaroniex: guess what?
xcoolaroniex: !
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: chicken butt
xcoolaroniex: No
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: damn!
xcoolaroniex: I saw a...
Xx BettyWontStop: no
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: thats never it
PnkRiot8 has left the room.
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: penis
xcoolaroniex: Black squirrail1
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: rly
Xx BettyWontStop: haha
xcoolaroniex: Me cannot spell.
StaRsXbLeeD2 has left the room.
Xx BettyWontStop: =-O=-O=-O
xcoolaroniex: He was aweosme.
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: lalala
this emo weirdo: lol
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: moooo
this emo weirdo: foamy
Xx BettyWontStop: why is it taking like eoihfs fminutes to send ?!?!?
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: a squirrail
Xx BettyWontStop: dirtyfucker
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: blah
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: interesting
xcoolaroniex: *awesome
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: im bored
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: so who r u people
Xx BettyWontStop: my stomach hurts
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: foamy
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: yay!
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: my balls ur stomach hurts
glitter dresses has left the room.
Xx BettyWontStop: ..?
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: why wont betty stop?
this emo weirdo: cause
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: oh
xcoolaroniex: Where are you all from?
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: k
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: ur balls
this emo weirdo: michigan
Xx BettyWontStop: why my stomach hurts?
xcoolaroniex: Am I alone.
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: hey look
xcoolaroniex: In New York?
Xx BettyWontStop: i'm from wisconsin
xcoolaroniex: =\
xcoolaroniex: =0
xcoolaroniex: Awesome1
xcoolaroniex: *!
Xx BettyWontStop: what?
LeVel27Freak25 has entered the room.
xcoolaroniex: Wisconsin is awesome.
Xx BettyWontStop: no it's not
Xx BettyWontStop: it's stupid
xcoolaroniex: Yes.
Xx BettyWontStop: i hate it
xcoolaroniex: I hate New York.
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: michigan!!!!!!
xcoolaroniex: Ghetto.
this emo weirdo: ya
Xx BettyWontStop: haha milwaukee's got some ghettos
LeVel27Freak25: i say fuck you and that emo whiney bitch shit
xcoolaroniex: milwaukee?
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: ghetto faubulousity ness ness
Xx BettyWontStop: yeah
LeVel27Freak25 has left the room.
Xx BettyWontStop: it's a city
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: detroit
xcoolaroniex: What is that?
Xx BettyWontStop: ....
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: i live in detroit
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: mer is sexy
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: i aint black yo!!!
this emo weirdo: i dop too
this emo weirdo: do*
Xx BettyWontStop: lol
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS has left the room.
xOhMyGosh Emox has entered the room.
xOhMyGosh Emox: ?
xcoolaroniex: I am black.
xcoolaroniex: YO!
Xx BettyWontStop: lol
this emo weirdo: damn down to 5 of us now
xcoolaroniex: I live in the ghetto.
xcoolaroniex: It is scary.
Xx BettyWontStop: i bet
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS has entered the room.
xcoolaroniex: I went to NYC yesterday.
xcoolaroniex: The village..
Xx BettyWontStop: neato
xcoolaroniex: Ahhh..It was awesome.
xcoolaroniex: Yummy children were there.
xcoolaroniex: =x
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS: Palalaalalalalalaaa
Xx BettyWontStop: chachaacha
Xx BettyWontStop: i'm bored :-(
this emo weirdo: me too
Xx BettyWontStop: shit i broke the light
this emo weirdo: lmao
this emo weirdo: ha
xcoolaroniex: My foot is numb.
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: my ass is numb
Xx BettyWontStop: i hate it when that happends
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: numb buddy
Xx BettyWontStop: happens
Xx BettyWontStop: lol
this emo weirdo: haha
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: wow
xcoolaroniex: Black rainbow.
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: wat
xcoolaroniex: I love rainbows.
xcoolaroniex: Teehee.
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: me to
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: gay pride!!!!!!!!!!
Xx BettyWontStop: i haven't seen a rainbow for like 80 years
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: bisexual pride!!!!!!!
xcoolaroniex: Black ones are yucky though.
Xx BettyWontStop: lol
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: no
xcoolaroniex: I am straight.
this emo weirdo: :-!........i never notice that wuz a foot
xcoolaroniex: =\
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: lol
Xx BettyWontStop: neither have i
xcoolaroniex: me either.
xcoolaroniex: lol
Xx BettyWontStop: until i made the thing realy big
xcoolaroniex: lol
Xx BettyWontStop: and i was like OSFNIS HOLY SHIAT
this emo weirdo: lol
xcoolaroniex: BOOO
xcoolaroniex: No one talks.
SiNSxaNDxNeeDLeS has left the room.
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: lol
xcoolaroniex: We lost someone.
Xx BettyWontStop: oh no
BlaCkRaiiNbow666: *poof*

theres the chat conversation
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